If you are going to invest your money outside Binance, some of these tips may even apply here. Have the following things in mind:

- If someone offers you "free $WLD " or any other token, IT IS NOT FREE. You most likely will have your account, wallet, or personal data stolen, like facial biometrics or other things. Do not fall for it.

- Be very careful with projects that tell you that you are going to have quick, extraordinary returns. Those are often rugpulls, and you are going to be rugged before you can exit.

- Avoid projects that have complex tokenomics, like having a high selling tax. Those usually lock you in and make it harder for you to sell the token, as the fees for the transaction can be higher than 50% of the transaction value itself.

- ALWAYS CHECK THE WEBSITE you are navigating and DO NOT CLICK on Google advertised pages. Scammers like to mimic the original pages to make phishing attacks on your wallets and drain them totally when you connect them.

- When sending or swapping coins/tokens, ALWAYS CHECK THE RECIPIENT/CONTRACT ADDRESS. If you send your coins to the wrong address or interact with the wrong contract, it is almost 100% sure your coins will be forever lost.

- Keep in mind that all transactions have to pay a fee to be executed, so have some $BNB , $SOL or other coin that is native to the blockchain you are operating in your wallet and you won't run out of gas.

- A good practice is to have several wallet addresses and keep your funds in different wallets. This way, if a wallet gets compromised for any reason, you do not lose all your money.

- Please, do not enter in any "pump and dump" group. These groups are designed in a way so only a few can actually get some profit. You need to have a trader bot to have any chance to compete with them, so unless you have one of these and do know what you are doing, stay away, or you WILL lose money.

Remember: the only way to beat a scammer is to know what they are up to. So share this post so more people get to know these tips, and in this bullmarket, there will be several new people over here