Sure enough, as soon as there is a currency with a big increase, there will be gods from all walks of life.

Be practical. Have you ever wondered why BNB isn’t rising?

1. It’s not that it hasn’t increased, it’s because the appetite has increased. BNB climbed from 230$

2. Holding a BNB position is similar to stock dividends (new mines and new mines). Currently, only BNB has this attribute.

3. When I entered the currency circle, my seniors always said that 500$ BNB is equal to 50,000$ BTC. Currently BTC is 52,000$, so, before the new mine comes out, there will be a group of people selling BNB. If you find the right position, just embrace BNB.

BNB is looking at $500, and the currency will not be sold until the bull rush. Learn from the rich people who bought btc eth in the early days. The good currency is long-term Hodl, rather than clearing positions and only selling part of the positions in exchange for resources.