On June 29, 2023, the first closed-door meeting of volunteers of the China Media New Cultural and Creative Collection Platform was held in a combination of online and offline formats. Qin Zhiyong, executive director and general manager of China Media Yuezhong (Beijing) Cultural Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Media Yuezhong"), attended the meeting as the keynote speaker, and more than 200 platform volunteers participated in the meeting in the form of an online meeting.

Qin Zhiyong, executive director and general manager of China Media Group, first introduced the future plans for China Media Group’s new cultural and creative collection platform.

First, the China Media New Cultural and Creative Collection Platform shoulders the mission and social responsibility of a cultural central enterprise. As a platform launched by a cultural central enterprise, the China Media New Cultural and Creative Collection Platform shoulders the mission and social responsibility of enhancing cultural dissemination through digital technology, reconstructing the content production method from online digital resources to digital assets, and building a comprehensive platform based on the next generation of Internet digital content with digital assets as the core. Continue to increase investment in the construction of offline immersive digital exhibition halls, open up more online and offline interactive and integrated digital content application scenarios, enhance the public's understanding of digital collections, change the mainstream society's misunderstanding of digital collections, and give play to its positive value. And adopt a cross-chain form, cooperate with global NFTs, export cultural confidence, and spread Chinese culture, etc., the mission and social responsibility of central enterprises.

The second is to enhance user experience, enrich user rights, and establish a sustainable user structure. The platform will continue to iterate on immersive digital technologies such as VR and AR, as well as digital content such as artificial intelligence, expand device-side applications, and pursue the ultimate quality of digital cultural products; continuously enrich user rights through the membership system and points system launched on the platform, and provide users with a better experience through a series of operational activities; continuously adjust and establish a healthy, orderly and sustainable platform user structure, and build a DAO community based on web3.0 and the metaverse with platform volunteers as the basis.

Next, Qin Zhiyong, executive director and general manager of Zhongchuan Yuezhong, gave a detailed introduction to the specific implementation of the above work.

The first is the construction of digital content application scenarios that integrate online and offline interactions. China Cultural Media New Cultural and Creative Cultural Center - China Guangzhou Metaverse Cultural Center is a specific attempt by the China Cultural and Creative Collection Platform to implement the integration of digital artworks online and offline and open up more application spaces. It is now officially in trial operation. The platform will give each platform volunteer a ticket for a field experience. The first immersive interactive real-life cultural tourism product launched by China Cultural Media's new cultural and creative brand - the "Walking into the Old Summer Palace" series of drama scenes has officially landed in Beijing Old Summer Palace Ruins Park. In the future, the platform will create more offline application scenarios based on the metaverse and digital artworks across the country to cultivate more mainstream society's awareness of digital collections.

The second is to create a series of cultural and creative physical goods. Focusing on the high-quality digital content of the collection platform and the commercial rights of its curation, we will create cultural and creative physical goods, such as fast-moving consumer goods, trendy toys, and creative goods. At the same time, we will connect the online collection platform points mall and offline cultural and creative physical stores to form a combination of offline and online, enriching the consumption scenarios from content value to product prices.

The third is to explore online game application scenarios that are in line with China's current national conditions. The customized activity collections of the "Legend of Mir 2-Supreme Legend" series, which were released on June 29, further verified the innovative model of "digital collections + game linkage", which is also a specific representative of the digital application scenarios of online games. The platform will continue to experiment and innovate in linkage to achieve the true meaning of "interchange" to "intercommunication". At the same time, the platform will release a "one-stop" 3D visualization editing engine in the near future, with content creation as the core, to realize the scripted, componentized and data-driven integrated digital scene creation services, and realize the construction of super-large digital fusion scenes.

Qin Zhiyong, executive director and general manager of China Media Group, also answered the questions of concern to the volunteers one by one during the meeting.

The first is about the platform equity card issue. According to the platform statistics, there is no dilution problem with the equity card. We hope to guide consumers to consume rationally, participate reasonably, and establish correct values ​​when purchasing digital collections.

The second is the controversial issue of "Empress's Seal". The platform does not infringe or piracy any copyrights, and has been conducting business legally and in compliance with regulations. The "Empress's Seal" collection will not be removed from the shelves or recalled, and will be issued according to the existing activity rules.

The third is about the platform's consignment market. The consignment market is a trading scenario provided by the platform for users, with the purpose of enhancing the circulation of cultural digital artworks and thus bringing about a wider dissemination and application of high-quality digital cultural artworks. The platform does not participate in or intervene in the pricing of the consignment market, and will do its utmost to protect consumers' right to know and fair trade rights, and provide the public disclosure of various data to the greatest extent possible.

Fourth, the issue of attracting new users to the platform. The platform attaches great importance to attracting new users and continues to invest a lot of money in publicity and promotion to acquire mainstream social users. However, it has its own principles and bottom line for market promotion and user diversion.

At the end of the meeting, President Qin once again thanked all the volunteers for their consistent support and help to the platform, and hoped to have a more comprehensive understanding of the platform through this meeting. He hopes to continue to move forward side by side with all the volunteers in the future, work together to create, stand at a higher dimension and see a bigger world through the CCCC New Cultural and Creative Collection Platform, and obtain a ticket to connect to the future Internet scene.

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Official account: China Cultural Media New Cultural and Creative IP Platform, a central enterprise directly under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, creates a one-stop online service platform for intellectual property (IP) confirmation, transaction and protection. WWW.CCMGIP.COM