A few words about Zhongchuan’s new cultural creative platform Shuzang Platform

1. The platform is backed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and China Media Group, using the power of digital technology to enhance cultural communication, using blockchain technology to confirm IP rights, and issue digital collections of various cultural relics in response to the construction of Digital China.

2. The platform uses its own consortium chain, which requires real-name authentication, bank card binding, mobile phone number as an account, a blockchain address, and no mnemonic phrase.

3. The platform is currently not popular enough. Compared with the number of domestic Whale Detective players who rely on Alipay, it is far less. However, the platform is slowly doing its work, and there may be media cooperation in the future.

4. If you are interested, you can take a look at the 2nd Cultural Tourism China Metaverse Ecological Conference that was just held a few days ago. It is an attempt by the domestic cultural tourism industry, which includes the circulation and transactions of these "digital assets" on the platform.

5. The platform has an anti-hype mechanism, and each transfer of digital collections has a 3-day cooling-off period. There is also a holding limit. For a collection of 1,000 copies, a single account can hold up to 30 copies; for a collection of 2,000 copies, the limit is 60 copies, and so on. Some collections are unrestricted. The consignment price is up to 49,999.

6. Currently, several digital collections are released every week. After all, there have been many cultural relics over the past few thousand years, and the ones currently released are mainly calligraphy and paintings. Each digital collection is generally limited to 2,000-3,000 copies. A few hundred copies will be released for the first time, and the rest will be placed in blind boxes.

7. Collection premium issue. If there are fewer players, the premium will naturally not be high. At present, the collections with premium prices on the platform are mainly collections with "prop" attributes and some well-known cultural relics. There are also some collections with no premium or even broken prices. For broken collections, the platform will conduct replacement activities to destroy them and reduce circulation.

8. Currently, the most expensive digital collection on the platform is the "present key" to the creation collection. The latest transaction price is 16,000. The entitlement is 4 priority purchases per month. The circulating quantity is only 146. It is a reward collection for early volunteers of the platform.

9. The digital collections issued by the platform include hundreds or thousands of copies of each type. Only the numbers are different, so naturally there will be speculation on the numbers. The current floor price of Stepmother Wu Ding is around 400, and No. 1 Ding sold for 12,000.

That’s all for now.

I came to promote it to attract people to play. After all, there are few players now, but you must understand it clearly before participating.If you have any questions, please leave a message for consultation

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