Binance, one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges, has announced the implementation of proof of reserve using zk-SNARKs. This move towards increased transparency and security is a significant step forward for the cryptocurrency industry and Binance's commitment to providing a safe and reliable platform for its users.

On February 10th 2023, Binance CEO "CZ" shared via Twitter that Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin had put forth the idea that cryptocurrency exchanges should adopt the use of zk-SNARKs technology. This zero-knowledge verification method preserves the confidentiality of sensitive information and enhances security.  Vitalik stated that the utilisation of ZK-SNARKs will increase the trustworthiness of crypto exchanges.

Source from CZ Tweet -

Binance has entered into a partnership with Polyhedra Network and they have been a key player in preserving the integrity of the PoR system's data. According to PolyhedraZK, the security of zero-knowledge proofs is underpinned by cryptographic principles that are computationally difficult to break. The cryptographic tools utilised in the PoR system have a proven track record in several existing systems and are widely considered to be secure.

In a recent official blog post from Binance, Binance delved into the utilization of zk-SNARKs and its impact on enhancing the current proof of reserves (PoR) system. The post provided a comprehensive explanation of zero-knowledge proofs and how they contribute to improving PoR systems. Additionally, an in-depth article on the subject has been made accessible through the Binance Academy.

As a result of the updates to the PoR system, Binance users can now verify that the exchange holds a full backing of their funds.

Binance’s Solution, implementing zk-SNARKS into Existing Merkle Tree. Image via Binance

Not only that, the code for the PoR system is made open-sourced which available on the Binance GitHub page to increase transparency and help peers to adopt the technology. 

The implementation of proof of reserve on Binance using zk-SNARKs allows users to verify that the exchange holds the assets it claims to hold, without compromising the security of the underlying assets. This gives users peace of mind that their assets are safe and secure on the platform.

Find the code here:

Currently, Binance has integrated Shiba Inu (SHIB), Polkadot (DOT), Chiliz (CHZ), and Solana (SOL) into its proof of reserves (PoR) system, bringing the total number of verifiable assets to 13 cryptocurrencies on the platform. The exchange has further plans to add other tokens into the PoR system and continuously improve the reliability, security, and privacy of the verification process.

Source -

This move towards increased transparency and security is not only good for Binance's users, but also for the wider cryptocurrency industry. The implementation of proof of reserve using zk-SNARKs sets a new standard for transparency and security in the industry, and other exchanges may soon follow.

Official zk-SNARKs article -

In conclusion, Binance's implementation of proof of reserve using zk-SNARKs is a significant step forward for the cryptocurrency industry. It increases transparency and security for users, while also setting a new standard for the industry. Binance's commitment to providing a safe and reliable platform for its users is a testament to its dedication to the growth and development of the cryptocurrency industry.