According to Odaily, the dYdX Foundation has announced on platform X that it has initiated on-chain disclosure, with plans to support ZRO tokens on the dYdX Chain. The voting for this proposal is set to conclude on June 28. The foundation's move to support ZRO tokens is part of its ongoing efforts to expand and diversify its offerings on the dYdX Chain. The decision to support ZRO tokens is subject to a voting process, which is a testament to the democratic and transparent nature of the foundation's operations. The final decision will be made based on the majority vote, ensuring that all stakeholders have a say in the matter. The dYdX Foundation's announcement is a significant development in the crypto space, as it signifies the growing acceptance and integration of diverse tokens into established blockchain platforms. The support for ZRO tokens on the dYdX Chain will potentially open up new opportunities for token holders and contribute to the overall growth and development of the crypto ecosystem.