#DOT Can it become the next 100x coin?

The answer is obvious, no! In fact, I think that DOT will not only fail to become a hundred times coin, but will also become a zero coin and the next #EOS . #Polkadot The team cashed out tens of billions at a high level. After that, they spent every day in entertainment clubs, and the price of DOT coins gradually dropped and hit the bottom. Eventually, it will be forgotten by the community.

Like the founder of EOS #ByteMaster , the founder of DOT is Gavin Wood. He was also a colleague of Vitalik, the founder of Ethereum, but in the end they all left the reliable Vitalik and Ethereum. Why? Because birds of a feather flock together, because they have similar odors. Vitalik just wants to do things, but BM and Gavin Wood just want to cheat money.

Polkadot initially claimed to be cross-chain, created a bunch of fancy technical roadmaps, and used this as a gimmick to raise more than one billion Taiwan dollars (tens of millions of US dollars). After a few years, the mainnet was finally launched, but everyone found that nothing had been done. But the team continued to perform various fancy operations, such as conducting parallel chain card slot auctions. In fact, they were all using clever tricks to deceive Leek into pledging and locking up positions, so that the team could take advantage of the opportunity to ship. What’s even more shameless is that the greedy team also created a test chain Kusama and announced that the auction will be held on the test chain first. The test chain will also take the opportunity to issue #KSM coins, thereby harvesting leeks again.

Sure enough, one or two years have passed, and the so-called parallel chain card slot auction has finally become a piece of cake. There has been no real progress, and the claimed cross-chain ecology is still stuck in the pie. However, the Polkadot team has long taken the opportunity to cash out countless amounts, and the total money raised together with the initial funds raised may have exceeded tens of billions. I don’t know which yacht they are hiding on, and they are probably accompanied by many young models every day. You think he wants to do the project seriously, but in fact he just wants to defraud you of your money.

Back to the currency price, the team has made 10 billion, how do you still expect it to develop an ecosystem to drive prices? dream! The price of DOT, it cannot be ruled out that in the next bull market, it will be cheated because it still has illusions about the pursuit of leeks. After that, it will definitely hit the bottom and never respond again. The project will not make any progress. The big picture has been There will be no cashing out of the pie, and the end result will be that just like EOS now, it will be forgotten and the price will return to zero.

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