Today I will give you an inventory of three air coins and junk coins with super high market capitalization but worthless projects.

First: Cardano #ADA

Let me ask you a question first. In your impression, what does $ADA (Cardano) do? After thinking for a long time, it seems that you can't remember anything, right? But it's not your fault, because the Cardano project is nothing from beginning to end. It does nothing.

Like Gavin Wood of Polkadot, Charles, the founder of ADA, is from the Ethereum team, so they are birds of a feather. They both boasted that they were the early founders of Ethereum and raised huge amounts of money with this. The project was hyped up in the publicity, for example, Cardano is the killer of Ethereum, and it is superior to Ethereum in all aspects. But after it was actually launched, it was found to be a disaster, that is, a plagiarized work with no innovation and characteristics. Not only that, Cardano has not made any progress since its launch. Even the smart contracts that various altcoins have, Cardano has been developed for three or four years before it was launched with difficulty, and it is also a sample that was pieced together. The dAPPs running on it are also some crude imitations, without any characteristics and vitality.

But these do not affect the price. Relying on various hype and artificial manipulation, the price of ADA has been rising all the way, with the highest market value exceeding 100 billion US dollars, which is jaw-dropping. But as the team harvested cash, ADA gradually showed a trend of being abandoned, and the price fell by 90%. It is not ruled out that ADA will rise again in a future bull market, but in the long run it is destined to be abandoned. Some people will say that it is worth speculating in the short term, but if you say so, there are too many speculators, and there is no need to focus on ADA. In the long run, it is recommended that you don't be hard on yourself.

Second: #恒星币 $XLM

Same question as before, what do you think XLM does? You can't answer it either! The founder of XLM is from the Ripple team, and the Stellar project is also copied from Ripple. As we said in the previous video, Ripple itself is the biggest air in the currency circle, and XRP Ripple currency is not used in the cross-border payment they claim. All the publicity is false publicity after colluding with banking institutions. So what can XLM Stellar copy from Ripple? Of course, it copied all kinds of false publicity and market manipulation. If you don't believe it, go to their website or ask friends around the world, has anyone used the Stellar system in any cross-border payment? Don't ask, it's a waste of time to ask, Stellar is a complete scam.

The highest market value of XLM was $26 billion, and the highest price was $0.94. Now it is $0.12, a drop of 86%. Moreover, the project has not made any progress for many years. The official website has nothing but some empty introductions. It has been completely abandoned, and the team is spending their days in luxury. Whether it is speculation or investment, it is recommended that you do not touch it.

The third one:#VeChain#唯链 $VET

Speaking of VeChain, some people may still have some feelings, thinking that it is a domestic public chain. It was indeed launched by a domestic Shanghai team, and it harvested a large number of leeks by relying on the sentiment of "domestic". In 2017-2018, the price rose rapidly and magically, and once entered the top ten, and has been stable in the top 20 for a long time (it has fallen to 30 or 40 in the past two years). Looking at its own introduction, it will say that it is a public chain with excellent performance and has cooperative relationships with a lot of well-known companies, such as BYD, Walmart, etc. It looks very awesome. But you might as well go to the channels of these "cooperative companies" listed by it to see if they have said that they have a cooperative relationship with it? Or take a look at the real products of these "partners", where is the shadow of VeChain?

The parent company behind VeChain has a consortium chain business. It is not ruled out that the consortium chain has cooperated with some companies, but when it comes to VeChain, the public chain, and VET, it can be said that they have nothing to do with those cooperation. All kinds of propaganda are deliberately confusing the public chain VeChain and the consortium chain behind it, trying to confuse the two, and use this to promote and lure a lot of leeks to buy crazily. This hype and propaganda method is exactly the same as the Ripple team's deliberate confusion of Ripple coins with the Ripple payment gateway of its parent company behind it. It can only be said that birds of a feather flock together. This means that the coin VET actually has no actual use scenario, and the price is supported entirely by the daydreams of leeks.

The highest price of VET was $0.27, and the highest market value was close to $20 billion. The current price is $0.021, which has fallen by 92%.

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