Contents: 1. Methods for turning around by accumulating small funds.

2. High-capital practical operations provide stable profits.

3. Core logic of digital currency investment.

Brother Dao understands through the fan circle that there are many ordinary people, even students, and women in the currency circle who want to invest and make profits. But many people don’t really understand how to invest in the currency circle?

First of all, digital currency investment is financial investment. Our goal is to make sustained profits and double the economy within a certain period of time. If you always expect to get rich with one contract, and you are bullish or bearish every day, which is the same as betting on big or small, then you might as well go for scratch betting.

In addition to waiting for opportunities, trading must have the ability to identify the size of opportunities. You cannot always be light or heavy. You can usually play with small positions, and then pull out the damn Italian cannon when the big opportunity comes.

For example, rolling a position can only be done when a big opportunity comes. You can't roll all the time. It doesn't matter if you miss it, because you only need to roll successfully three or four times in your life to go from 0 to millions or even tens of millions or tens of millions. It is enough for an ordinary person to advance to the ranks of the rich.

This article was posted before, but it was removed because I was not familiar with the platform rules. It has been corrected. Those who have seen it don’t comment if you don’t like it. If you haven’t seen it, if you think it is helpful to you, you might as well click and share. Thank you thank you.

1. Rolling positions are suitable for small and medium funds.

Spot goods

Suppose you only have $1,000 today and the current pie is $30,000. You think Bitcoin is about to rise. If you buy it for $1,000 and it rises to $36,000, you make $200 because you only have $1,000. Price B Doubling it will only make you $200.

It's okay to earn pig's trotters from time to time with stable bloggers, but want to get rich?

So the goal of small funds is contracts.

Suppose you also believe that the big pie is about to rise by +20%*5, and your 1,000 knives earn 1,000 knives. .

But have you ever heard of persuading people to make a contract? That’s what it is.

Because the contract is not a fool's errand, there is a way for a small Bo Da to do it.

In fact, you only need to pay attention to the following points when rolling a position:

1. Be patient enough, and the profits from rolling positions are huge. As long as you can successfully roll a few times, you can earn at least tens of millions. Therefore, you cannot roll out easily and look for opportunities with high certainty;

2. The opportunity with high certainty refers to the sideways fluctuation after a sharp decline, and then an upward breakthrough. At this time, the probability of trending is very high. Find the point where the trend reverses and get on the train from the beginning.

3. Be patient and wait for the opportunity, even if it comes once a month or a few months, just go for more;

▼Rolling risk

Let’s talk about the rolling strategy. Many people think this is risky. I can tell you that the risk is very low, much lower than the futures order opening logic you are playing with.

If you only have 5W, how to start a business with 5W? First of all, if this 5W is your profit, if you still lose money, don't read it.

If you open a position at Bitcoin 1W, set the leverage to 10 times, use the isolated position mode, and only open 10% of the position, that is, you will only open 5K yuan as a margin. In fact, this is equal to 1 times the leverage and 2 points of stop loss. If If you stop the loss, you will only lose 2%, only lose 2%? 1000 yuan. How did those who liquidated their positions do so? Even if your position is liquidated, wouldn’t you only lose 5K? How could it be a total loss?

If you are right and Bitcoin rises to 1.1W, you continue to open 10% of the total capital, and also set a 2% stop loss. If the stop loss is stopped, you still make 8%. What is the risk? Isn’t it said that the risk is very high? And so on. . . .

If Bitcoin rises to 1.5W, and you have successfully added positions, you should be able to earn about 20W from this 50% market trend. If you catch such a market twice, you will earn about 1 million.

There is no compound interest at all. 100 times is earned by 10 times twice, 5 times three times, and 3 times four times. It is not earned by compounding interest at 10% or 20% every day and every month. That is nonsense.

This content not only contains operational logic, but also contains the core inner skills of trading, position management. As long as you understand position management, you will never lose money.

This is just an example, the general meaning is this, you still need to think more about the specific details.

There is no risk in the concept of rolling positions. Not only is there no risk, but it is also one of the most correct ideas for doing futures. What is risky is leverage.

You can roll with 10 times leverage, just as well as 1 times, but I usually use two or three times and catch it twice. Isn’t it the same as dozens of times the return? If it doesn't work, you can use 0. How many times does this have to do with rolling positions? This is obviously a matter of your own leverage selection. I have never said that you should operate with high leverage.

And I have always emphasized that you only invest one-fifth of your own money in the currency circle, and only invest one-tenth of your money in spot money to play futures. At this time, futures funds only account for 2% of your total funds, and futures only account for 2% of your total funds. Using two or three times leverage and only playing in Bitcoin can be said to reduce the risk to an extremely low level.

Will you feel bad if 1W is gone and 200 is gone?

All in all, it’s a little broad, endure loneliness, find opportunities, and learn position management. As long as you are not a bad luck star, you will always have a chance. Opportunities are for people who use their brains. It depends purely on luck. You will pay back as much as you earn. After all, back to the start.

Many people have many misunderstandings about trading. For example, small funds should be used for short-term operations to increase the funds. This is a complete misunderstanding. This kind of thinking is simply to use time to exchange space in an attempt to get rich overnight. Small funds are more It should be done in the medium and long term to make it big. You must remember that the smaller the capital, the more you should be long-term and rely on doubling compound interest to make it big. Don't be short-term and make small profits.

First, collect coins honestly and hold on to the spot for 3-10 years. Tun target. There is no one who is not rich. Everyone in the currency circle knows which target is the best in the currency circle, and there is no need to choose at all.

2. When you have a certain amount of funds.

With the funds, we really encounter less contracts, because I'm afraid you can't help but have the idea of ​​​​one million to make 100 million. The idea is good, but it is very dangerous. Remember that we only use the money we earn to make money, and pursue stability. Stability is not absolutely 100%, but relative to our overall profit over a period of time.

This is spot, money management.

▼Fund management

Trading is not full of risks. Risks can be resolved through capital management. For example, for me, the futures account is 200,000 dollars, and the spot account is randomly from 300,000 dollars to 1,000,000 dollars+. If the opportunity is high, recharge more. If there is no chance, recharge less.

If you are lucky, you can earn more than 10 million RMB a year, which is enough. If you are unlucky and the worst case scenario is that your futures account will be wiped out, it doesn't matter. The spot income can make up for the loss of the futures liquidation. If you make up for it and then rush in, is it possible that the spot account will be wiped out in a year? Can't make a penny? With all this funding, there is no way we haven’t reached this point yet.

You don’t have to make money but you can’t lose money, so I haven’t liquidated my position for a long time. In addition, I often withdraw one-quarter or one-fifth of my profits from futures and keep them separately. If I liquidate my profits, I will also keep part of them.

As an ordinary person, my personal advice to you is to use one-tenth of the spot position to play futures. For example, if it is 30W, use 3W to play with it. If it is exposed, use the spot profit to invest. After you have blown it out ten times or eight times, you can always get it. If you haven't figured it out yet, don't play. It's not suitable for this industry.

3. Core logic.

When you first enter the currency circle, it’s best to analyze the K-line from those bloggers’ big V’s in the live broadcast, what will rise and be swallowed up, and what will appear as the Qiming Star.

These attract novices, individual investment in the currency circle, and technology on the market does not account for a large proportion. If you understand it well, it cannot influence the rise or fall of you (except of course if you are a dog banker. In addition, no matter how good your technology is, you can do better than someone else's dog banker). A financial talent with a monthly salary of more than 100,000 yuan?)

The real technology is position management, market information, market sentiment, greed and fear.

For example, many people ask Brother Dao, you work hard to attract fans every day, and then all communities charge fees, but you don’t charge. What is your purpose?

It’s very simple. Brother Dao and a few old friends in the currency circle have formed a community. The main reason is that there will be a bull market in 2024 next year. In fact, the bull market has cycles, so investment requires patience. We will also wait for the next opportunity.

We get good news from the news, and then comprehensively analyze whether the good news can be used (this does require the accumulation of experience and time, and novices cannot do it quickly). If we decide to do this currency in the future, how do we determine the point and proceed? What about position management?

It's very simple. When the news comes out, 300 people out of 1,000 people ask if BTC can be used. This is very good. When these 300 people ask if they want to withdraw, then another 700 people ask if they can enter now. His fear value has gone up, and his greed value has reached the extreme, which is another market sentiment signal.

You can't understand this kind of thing by looking at the news or watching the news. By the time you understand it by watching the news, it's already too late. So we count it as mutually beneficial. When each other's wealth is free, let's travel.

Finally, how to withdraw funds safely?

I withdraw all my funds from Binance. Because I have made purchases on other platforms and my bank cards have been frozen. Binance was also the first to introduce the t+1 model, which freezes merchants’ funds for one day. Money launderers dare not keep their funds on Binance. When I withdraw money from Binance, I go to the key account manager to withdraw money. I also choose the merchant to withdraw money from in the optional column. I usually choose the one with a slightly cheaper price. Try not to choose the one with the highest price. Binance is relatively safe. This is based on my one or two years of withdrawal experience.

In addition, this article was posted before, but it was removed because I was not familiar with the platform rules. It has been corrected. Those who have seen it don’t comment if you don’t like it. If you haven’t seen it, if you think it is helpful to you, you might as well click and share. Thank you thank you.

Of course, if you like spot goods and want to invest together, click on the avatar for spot stocks in the Tunniu market, follow me, face fans, my bull market strategy layout, free sharing, become a free blogger, just to increase fans.

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