Liang Xi's latest sharing of cryptocurrency trading, is cryptocurrency contracts gambling? Many friends often bet 10/20/50 times

or even 100 times, and the money just rushed in, and the position was blown up overnight!

There are two types of people who open high leverage:

First: they like to bet small and win big, like to all-in, and are real gamblers!

Second: There is also a kind of novice who doesn't know how to operate and plan their positions. The contract is over before it even starts!

It is very important to manage the position of the contract to maximize the benefit of the funds,

and avoid your own risks.

How to manage the position of the contract scientifically?

Flexible use of funds: For example, if you want to open a position of 10,000U, you can be 1,000U-10 times, or 500U-20 times.

Stop loss 1%-3%,

Use 10% of the funds to bet on 100% of the profit, and the loss is also under control.

If you use 10,000-10 times 10,000-20 times. .

A wave of market conditions will take you away. Without a tolerance rate and trial and error capital, it is easy to lose everything and distort your mentality!

Using high leverage to borrow funds that are several times more than your principal for speculation, it is common to blow up your account, but it is rare to make money. If you want to use contracts, you must first understand the basics, such as leverage multiples and funding rates. If you don’t know anything, you will blow up your account and blame the tool for harming others.

So you must plan your positions reasonably!

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