Liang Xi told everyone how to withdraw money safely, which is awesome.

Many fans asked how to deposit and withdraw money safely. To be honest, I am not very professional in deposit and withdrawal, but my rich experience will tell you.

The first step is to find a dual-certified merchant with a large purple logo + yellow five-pointed star logo. This is not enough. Continue to look at the deposit he paid. Normally it should be 100,000 U. 15,000 is a little risky, because a good friend of mine who is a big KOL found an ordinary merchant with 15,000 U, and the merchant's transaction was directly frozen without reviewing the merchant's transaction flow.

The second step is that when you find a merchant that meets the above conditions, add him to the green bubble (WeChat) directly and ask him to send you a bank card transaction video that must be consistent with his An'an real-name authentication, preferably in the past three months. The transaction flow mainly depends on whether the card he transfers to you has a personal transfer record. If there is a personal transfer record, there is a risk. He may say that his partner transferred it to him. This depends on whether the same person transfers it to him for a long time.

The most important thing: when the merchant sends you the bank statement, you only need to look at his bank card statement. If the money is all transferred to him by the securities company or the bank's wealth management funds, then the money is relatively clean, because there are only a few securities companies and banks.

Some fans said that I only have a few thousand U, can I also find a large number of merchants to withdraw money?

Answer: Yes, I see that the minimum withdrawal requirements of these large merchants + SHIELD merchants are about 2900 U at the lowest. Normal retail investors also meet the requirements. Don't be inferior and be confident, because everyone in the currency circle has the potential to become a large investor.

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