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The current 4h level decline of Bitcoin has gone through the first 1h decline and the second 1h level rebound. At least there is still a third 1h level decline to end, so the overall 4h level decline has not ended. However, we still have to continue to be bullish after the next decline, at least continue to try to buy the bottom, because the next 4h level rebound may go to the 66500~70000 range again.

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Due to the rapid changes in the short-term market, the article can only predict the market changes at the moment of publication. Short-term players should pay attention to the latest changes in the market and use it as a reference only.


At the 1h level, the second 1h level rebound is currently running. This rebound is not good enough in terms of price. It would be better if it could hit the 62500~63000 range. After this 1h level rebound is over, there should be a third 1h level decline. At that time, pay attention to the support around 58000~59000.


At the 15-minute level, we are currently focusing on whether the third 15-minute level rebound can reach around 63000. If the subsequent correction falls below 61600, it is expected that there will be a 1h level decline.


At the 1h level of Ethereum, it is currently running its second 1h rebound, with the upper range of 2450~2500 being the focus. There will be another 1h decline after that, with the target of 2250. After the 4h level correction of Ethereum is over, there should be another 4h level rebound to break 2820.

Trend Direction

Weekly level: The direction is downward. Theoretically, it is almost around 49,000. Whether it is over or not still needs to be observed, but the probability of a weekly rebound is increasing.

Daily level: The direction is upward, and the range of 67000~70000 should be continued in the short term

4-hour level: The direction is downward. In the short term, we will see a 4h level correction. The initial target of 61,000 has been broken. The second target is 58,000.

1-hour level: The direction is downward. The second 1h-level rebound is expected to end soon. The third 1h-level decline should occur tomorrow.

15-minute level: The direction is upward. In the short term, we will focus on whether it will hit the 62500~63000 range again.