The market retreated to the lowest level of 59815 last night. As the lows were constantly refreshed, the highs were constantly lowered, and the shorts continued. The general direction was still dominated by the shorts. From last night to early morning, the market fluctuations were not very large, with only more than a thousand points of space. The current market is running around 60700.

On the 4-hour line, it can be seen that the current market has not given much space for both long and short positions. The overall trend is in a wide range of fluctuations, but the highs are constantly being pulled down. From the 1-hour perspective, the overall trend is more obvious. The strength of the rebound is gradually weakening. The current general direction is still dominated by the shorts. The current price ratio is running on the middle track of the Bollinger Bands, and there are signs of downward continuation. We are still dominated by the shorts during the day.

Operation suggestions

Short Bitcoin at 61200-61000, target 59000

Short Ethereum near 2380, target 2300

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