The intraday market also rose strongly, reaching a high of 64,500. Overall, the bulls are still very strong today, and have a strong unilateral trend. The market hit a low of 62,000 in the early morning, and the intraday range was nearly 2,500 points. The morning market has been in a volatile operation, and the midday market has risen strongly. This also verifies the long-term thinking we gave in the morning.

From the daily line, the big cake rose again during the day, and the price ratio rose again after the weekend adjustment. The current bullish trend is already very obvious. The midday market has ushered in a small retracement. The current market is running around 64,000, which does not rule out the market trying to break through again. Bulls are strong. We still participate in low-multiples during the day. Looking forward to the next trend of big cake.

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