I hope you've taken your profits. I've been insisting so much on not paying attention to all those bad people who put their clown faces 🤡 on YouTube and other social networks announcing that Bitcoin will go to space, and everyone is dragged by fear 😱 of being left out of the bull run or the altseason or whatever you want to call an unpredictable event. Interest rates, when they are cut, always generate a positive scenario for the economy. What the rate-holders don't tell you is that this is long-term. It wasn't the US interest rate cut, it was the decision to do so that triggered the price of BITCOIN, the most emotional currency on the planet, worthy of being the protagonist of a soap opera. I hope it serves as a lesson to all of you who read me: never ever let yourself be carried away by FOMO. Please investigate what FOMO is on Google; it will help you make better decisions.

I guess the person who took my word for it made a profit today. So you should see the fall of BITCOIN in a relaxed manner, without feeling the terror 😱 that comes from seeing BITCOIN fall after being convinced that it would reach 100 thousand dollars. I am not trying in any way to be happy about the fall; it may be temporary, it may be deeper, nobody knows. What I am trying to make clear is that in order not to lose money, simply be cautious and take profits. By now, all my readers should have a list of coins in which they would never put their money, and a very small one in which they would. I say this to those who, due to market fluctuations, no longer hold coins, but money, so it is quite difficult for a fall to make them lose money. They may lose the opportunity to earn a little more because they sold and then the currency continued to rise, but the important thing is to win and not get carried away by greed.

What I'm writing is not for people who use BINANCE as a bookmaker. That's fine for those who, driven by gambling addiction, put money on betting how much a coin will fall or rise in price. It doesn't matter if it's horses, dogs or cryptos; the possibility of losing all their money is still astronomical. A recent study showed that only 1% of those who use exchanges as bookmakers manage to make money, and they would be scared if they knew how many go bankrupt when they use LEVERAGE. You can already imagine how many are crying right now because they bet on the rise 📈 and BITCOIN turned around and wiped them out, which I'm not happy about.

I like to give good advice to people who invest their money, the same advice that the platform itself gives, such as not putting all your eggs in one basket, only putting in the money that you can tolerate losing. But where I put the emphasis is on not paying attention to FOMO and influencers, doing your own research, studying each coin very carefully, taking profits, never ever LEVERAGING, simulating each investment one hundred times. BINANCE has that tool for new traders. Study market economics, study the cryptocurrency market, study how coins work, each project, who is behind the projects, the metrics (CAPITALIZATION, coins in circulation, total volume of coins, coin release dates, read the white paper). Once all these steps have been exhausted, you can venture in, and you will see that it is possible to earn in a hyper volatile market like gasoline. Although I usually repeat that market instability prevents HOLDING coins, I cannot generalize. It is obvious that you can HOLD BITCOIN and other projects that are huge, like SOLANA, to cite just one example, for those who think in the very long term. Finally, I hope that Bitcoin recovers quickly. It is still at 64 thousand dollars and I would be happy to see it return to 66 thousand dollars and then continue to rise. If it does not do so now, it does not matter, if it falls it will rise again and if it rises be alert to buy and then take profits, remember that it is better to earn 100 $ than to lose 1000 $, next time I will talk to you about the TRADER's neurosis, the WHO does not yet classify it within mental pathologies such as gambling addiction, but its symptoms and signs are widely described, do not come here to get sick, take care of your physical and emotional health. Money is one of the twenty things that give happiness, and it is close to the last place. A hug from a distance my invisible friends. Do well and do not look at who.

Jorge Ferrer

Bachelor of Business Administration