Daily Share

After Bitcoin surged to 64745 yesterday, the subsequent 15-minute level correction continued to go down, and the lowest was around 62700. Here, the short-term maximum surge is 65000, but it is not sure whether such an opportunity will be given. It is expected that there should be a 4h level correction this week, and the correction focus will be around 60000~61000.

If the 4h level correction is successfully resolved, I hope everyone will decisively go long or buy spot, because Bitcoin may accelerate its rise in the future.


Due to the rapid changes in the short-term market, the article can only predict the market changes at the moment of publication. Short-term players should pay attention to the latest changes in the market and use it as a reference only.


At the 1h level, structurally speaking, a wave of 65,000 is needed here again, and the 1h level rebound structure will be perfect. However, due to the short-term correction below 63,000, it is also necessary to be prepared for a direct 1h correction.

The idea of ​​short-term is that if it can break through 65,000 once, it will be better, the trend will be perfect, and a 4h level correction will start after the break. If it does not continue to break through, it may directly go through a 4h correction. There are many corrections, and it may not be easy to go short for the time being, unless the right position is given.



At the 15-minute level, is it going to surge to 64745 again, as shown by the yellow arrow? Or is it going to fall below 62700 again? If it falls below 62700 again, the short-term trend may be a 4h level correction, as shown by the green arrow in the above figure.

Because the short-term structure is not yet certain, we can wait and see in actual trading. If the yellow arrow goes up, we can consider shorting opportunities. If the green arrow goes down, we can consider long opportunities.



The 1h structure of Ethereum is a nearly perfect trend. It would be better if it hits 2700 in the short term, but the structure is almost perfect even if it doesn’t. It is expected that if it hits 2700 again, there should be a 4h level correction. If the 4h correction goes smoothly, pay attention to around 2450. In the short term, it is expected that there will be a 1h correction tomorrow, pay attention to around 2500.

Trend Direction

Weekly level: Downward direction, extension of weekly decline, theoretically around 49,000, the limit is 45,000~48,000, whether it is over or not still needs to be observed

Daily level: The direction is upward, and the range of 67000~70000 should be continued in the short term

4-hour level: The direction is upward, and the 4h level rebound is about to end. Observe whether there will be another short-term surge.

1-hour level: The direction is upward. If the short-term price reaches 64745, the 1h level rebound will be successful. Otherwise, a new 1h pullback will be seen.

15-minute level: Direction upwards