For long orders below sol cost price 141, if half of the profit has been taken at 149-152, you can cover 1/2 of the existing position when it falls back to 151-147.25, and defend 141.25. Continue to get 157-159 and then take 2/3 of the profit, and cover the position again after falling back 2-4 points to get 163-164 to close the position.

If there are multiple orders, you can try shorting at 154-157, with a 5% first position, and 2 more 3% at 157-164. 157 is an important position, a hub leading to 182-206, and it is not easy to stand firm. From 126.95 to here, it has risen by more than 30 points at one time, and it needs to fall back 11-17 points before continuing to rebound.

If you want to know about specific opportunities and specific decisions, please check the introduction and get the position allocation strategy, which will teach you how to make money in a bull market and earn coins in a bear market.

#CATI价格预测 #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点