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1)大盘走势: 市场迎来强劲反弹,流动性有所改善。美股在冲高后回落。美联储宣布大幅降息50基点,市场预计今年还有两次25基点的降息。 2)市场热点: 1.公链项目如SUI、FTM、Saga、SEI表现突出。SUI生态中的BLUB大涨,市值达到3000万。BLUB是SUI生态中的meme代币,类似于Pepe,本月涨幅高达百倍。 2.BN新币NEIRO上涨,庄家控盘稳健,涨幅大于跌幅。 3.POW的KDA上涨,BN上新开了相关合约。 4.链上meme代币MOODENG大幅上涨。MOODENG是泰国“河马宝宝”,一周内涨幅高达百倍,市值达到3000万。BN上的小市值meme代币正在激活链上市场。 #token2049 #币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR






#token2049 #币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR
什么是预期?什么是预测?你的预期与预测就是用当下的痛苦与快乐去预判未来,并且是无限放大的那种,当一个人长期处于当下的痛苦与快乐,你就会惯性的认为未来这种状态会持续,并且加深这种感觉,一个长期痛苦的人,永远不会认为未来会变得美好,他只会越想越痛苦,越想越恐惧,只会预测自己的未来根本就没有未来,这就是用当下的长期感觉去预期与预判而已! 站在冰天雪地预测未来都是冰天雪地的,站在火炉旁预测未来都是炎热的! #token2049 #币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR


#token2049 #币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR
玄幻小说的套路基本如下,和币圈类似: 1、小山村小伙因为某个目标开始了探险 2、打败越来越强的对手,修炼更多的功法 3、成为这个世界的最强者并意外发现遮罩 4、打破遮罩,发现原来世界只是个上界炉鼎 5、上界底层修炼,从底层又成为大能 6、又触摸到了遮罩……(根据作者意愿可重复n层) #token2049 #新币挖矿HMSTR #币安上线NEIRO







#token2049 #新币挖矿HMSTR #币安上线NEIRO
这波降50点有点像对7月份没有降息的补偿。 因为7月底没有降息之后后面出了很差的非农就业数据,然后市场大跌到8月5号。所以这次50的开局有补偿意义。 既然已经开启降息周期,那么中美阴谋论可以放一边了。 Fed要在就业和通胀之中找平衡,后面正常情况就是25了。 通胀高了就放低降息,就业差了就提高降息 #token2049 #新币挖矿HMSTR #币安上线NEIRO





#token2049 #新币挖矿HMSTR #币安上线NEIRO
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The 50 basis point rate cut last night gave the market a shot in the arm, and Bitcoin also rebounded to $62,500. This range is relatively heavy and it is not possible to break through it directly. Next, it depends on whether it will break through directly after the shock, or step back to $60,000. However, the market sentiment is still ignited, including the recent new coins and new project coins, which have begun to prosper. It feels like spring has come and everything has revived. #token2049 #币安上线NEIRO #美联储宣布降息50个基点
The 50 basis point rate cut last night gave the market a shot in the arm, and Bitcoin also rebounded to $62,500. This range is relatively heavy and it is not possible to break through it directly. Next, it depends on whether it will break through directly after the shock, or step back to $60,000. However, the market sentiment is still ignited, including the recent new coins and new project coins, which have begun to prosper. It feels like spring has come and everything has revived.

#token2049 #币安上线NEIRO #美联储宣布降息50个基点
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After the FOMC meeting, the Federal Reserve announced that the target range of the federal funds rate would be reduced from 5.25% to 5.50% to 4.75% to 5.0%, a decrease of 50 basis points. This is the first rate cut since the Fed started this round of tightening cycle in March 2022. From March 2022 to July last year, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates 11 times in more than a year, with a cumulative increase of 525 basis points. Since July last year, the Federal Reserve has remained unchanged for eight consecutive meetings, keeping interest rates at their highest level since 2001. The Federal Reserve has started an easing cycle and cut interest rates for the first time in four years. What makes the market even more excited is that the Fed has cut interest rates by an extraordinary amount at the beginning. The market reacted violently in the short term. U.S. stocks rose sharply in the short term. The 10-year U.S. Treasury yield plunged from above 3.69% to below 3.64%, and the overall decline during the day #token2049 #币安上线NEIRO #美联储宣布降息50个基点
After the FOMC meeting, the Federal Reserve announced that the target range of the federal funds rate would be reduced from 5.25% to 5.50% to 4.75% to 5.0%, a decrease of 50 basis points.

This is the first rate cut since the Fed started this round of tightening cycle in March 2022. From March 2022 to July last year, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates 11 times in more than a year, with a cumulative increase of 525 basis points. Since July last year, the Federal Reserve has remained unchanged for eight consecutive meetings, keeping interest rates at their highest level since 2001.

The Federal Reserve has started an easing cycle and cut interest rates for the first time in four years. What makes the market even more excited is that the Fed has cut interest rates by an extraordinary amount at the beginning. The market reacted violently in the short term. U.S. stocks rose sharply in the short term. The 10-year U.S. Treasury yield plunged from above 3.69% to below 3.64%, and the overall decline during the day

#token2049 #币安上线NEIRO #美联储宣布降息50个基点
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If I were to make a completely subjective judgment on how the market would move tonight, it would be pure speculation. The market is too optimistic about the 25% interest rate cut, and may be under pressure in the short term, but I will not trade tonight's meeting. The current short-term trend is still bullish, and there will be no operations until this trend is broken. #token2049 #新币挖矿HMSTR #加密市场反弹
If I were to make a completely subjective judgment on how the market would move tonight, it would be pure speculation.

The market is too optimistic about the 25% interest rate cut, and may be under pressure in the short term, but I will not trade tonight's meeting.

The current short-term trend is still bullish, and there will be no operations until this trend is broken.

#token2049 #新币挖矿HMSTR #加密市场反弹
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Will the rate cut tonight start a bull market? The rate cut is coming soon, and judging from the market, the main force's accumulation of funds has come to an end after the correction and fluctuation in the past six months. The second correction has also confirmed that the market has stopped falling, so the corrections in the past two days are deceptive. The correction before the rate cut makes the market think that there will be a big drop. The market has forgotten the feeling of a big rise, and after every rise, the subjective thinking is that there will be a big drop. The more this is the case, the easier it is for the next big rise to happen #token2049 #币安上线NEIRO #加密市场反弹
Will the rate cut tonight start a bull market?

The rate cut is coming soon, and judging from the market, the main force's accumulation of funds has come to an end after the correction and fluctuation in the past six months.

The second correction has also confirmed that the market has stopped falling, so the corrections in the past two days are deceptive. The correction before the rate cut makes the market think that there will be a big drop.

The market has forgotten the feeling of a big rise, and after every rise, the subjective thinking is that there will be a big drop.

The more this is the case, the easier it is for the next big rise to happen

#token2049 #币安上线NEIRO #加密市场反弹
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It took 11 days to finally reach the middle track. Whether it can stand firm or not depends on tonight. The decisive moment of the technical side has arrived, but the decisive moment of the news side has not arrived yet. It will take at least until Friday, because after the Fed’s interest rate is over, Japan’s interest rate decision will be held on Friday. #token2049 #新币挖矿HMSTR #加密市场反弹
It took 11 days to finally reach the middle track. Whether it can stand firm or not depends on tonight. The decisive moment of the technical side has arrived, but the decisive moment of the news side has not arrived yet. It will take at least until Friday, because after the Fed’s interest rate is over, Japan’s interest rate decision will be held on Friday.

#token2049 #新币挖矿HMSTR #加密市场反弹
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Let's put it this way, in a month or two, if there is a second half of the bull market, some altcoins can rise 10 times or 20 times, will there be hope for the cryptocurrency market? That's not the case. DeFi and NFT were really big stories back then, and even scams like Luna were full of them. If there are only pull-ups and drop-ups under the chip game, can we expect a real bull market? It is more likely that some altcoins will pull up the market, the overall market will be sluggish, and high-level distribution will be waiting for a black swan. #token2049 #币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR
Let's put it this way, in a month or two, if there is a second half of the bull market, some altcoins can rise 10 times or 20 times, will there be hope for the cryptocurrency market?

That's not the case. DeFi and NFT were really big stories back then, and even scams like Luna were full of them.

If there are only pull-ups and drop-ups under the chip game, can we expect a real bull market?

It is more likely that some altcoins will pull up the market, the overall market will be sluggish, and high-level distribution will be waiting for a black swan.

#token2049 #币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR
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When trading trends, you should focus on time windows of more than 4 hours; When trading in swings, you should focus on time windows of 15 minutes and 1 hour; And short-term trading should focus on time windows of 3 minutes and 5 minutes. In order to assess risks more deeply, nested analysis of multiple time windows can be used. #token2049 #新币挖矿HMSTR #币安上线NEIRO
When trading trends, you should focus on time windows of more than 4 hours;

When trading in swings, you should focus on time windows of 15 minutes and 1 hour;

And short-term trading should focus on time windows of 3 minutes and 5 minutes.

In order to assess risks more deeply, nested analysis of multiple time windows can be used.

#token2049 #新币挖矿HMSTR #币安上线NEIRO
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Sato's operation is really interesting. He actually concentrated 4% of the chips to transfer to Binance, and then found a group of accounts to promote "Sato's first coin holding is Binance", creating the illusion that Sato is going to be listed on Binance. As long as you look carefully at the address, you will find that these chips were sniped by the early dealers themselves. Many people who don't know the truth rushed in to buy at the first time... In fact, as long as you use common sense to think about it, you will understand that the dealer will let you know the news of listing on Binance? (Refer to the big Neiro who smashed the market by 90%+ first) #token2049 #币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR
Sato's operation is really interesting. He actually concentrated 4% of the chips to transfer to Binance, and then found a group of accounts to promote "Sato's first coin holding is Binance", creating the illusion that Sato is going to be listed on Binance.

As long as you look carefully at the address, you will find that these chips were sniped by the early dealers themselves.

Many people who don't know the truth rushed in to buy at the first time... In fact, as long as you use common sense to think about it, you will understand that the dealer will let you know the news of listing on Binance? (Refer to the big Neiro who smashed the market by 90%+ first)

#token2049 #币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR
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There are two types of investors in the market. The first type is A who accepts both good and bad times. The other type is B who only wants to ride in good times and get off in bad times. B laughs at A for not knowing how to get off, and will just stay on the bus when he is beaten. But A thinks B's thinking is more dangerous, because B thinks he can be the invincible general in the market and always do the right thing. #币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
There are two types of investors in the market. The first type is A who accepts both good and bad times. The other type is B who only wants to ride in good times and get off in bad times.

B laughs at A for not knowing how to get off, and will just stay on the bus when he is beaten.

But A thinks B's thinking is more dangerous, because B thinks he can be the invincible general in the market and always do the right thing.

#币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
3日线金叉已成,降息后,大盘不出大问题的话基本上就是向上发展了。 现在肯定是多头趋势蓄势待发,要彻底改变过去的空头趋势和结构,需要突破65k。 值得注意的风险,过去几次假突破/反弹,都是在3日线金叉后就戛然而止,目前没有办法排除这个可能性。 上两次金叉都是假突破,事不过三?这次会不会是真呢?继续观察吧,我对这一次金叉很有信心主观认为是真的,但是没有突破65k就无法确认。现在适合上仓位去博牛归,我个人是五成仓,依旧仅推荐btc。 #币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国大选如何影响加密产业?




#币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
明天周四,有几个对币圈走势影响比较大的消息和数据公布。 凌晨2点 美联储公布利率决议和经济预期摘要。 凌晨2点半 美联储主席鲍威尔召开货币政策新闻发布会 晚上八点半是 美国至9月14日当周初请失业金人数(万人) 数据公布 注意短期的价格波动 #币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国大选如何影响加密产业?



晚上八点半是 美国至9月14日当周初请失业金人数(万人) 数据公布

#币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
这样子拉盘小Neiro 币安是想人为制造一个牛市 这几个月其实人均都觉得流动性差 行情差 本质上是资金大多集中在交易所和机构手里 散户被搞的手里没几个钱了 回想起来21年自己是怎么进圈的?无非就是doge和shib的一夜暴富神话 现在的小Neiro跟当年shib的感觉特别像 想要让牛市出现 那么最好的方式就是找一个支持的人多的memecoin给它拉飞 让大批筹码从交易所和机构转向散户 同时用有话题的暴富故事吸引圈外的人 在不久的未来 小Neiro的故事会传向全世界 未来也会有大批新人入场淘金 一级市场的行情要来了 #币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
这样子拉盘小Neiro 币安是想人为制造一个牛市

这几个月其实人均都觉得流动性差 行情差 本质上是资金大多集中在交易所和机构手里 散户被搞的手里没几个钱了
回想起来21年自己是怎么进圈的?无非就是doge和shib的一夜暴富神话 现在的小Neiro跟当年shib的感觉特别像

想要让牛市出现 那么最好的方式就是找一个支持的人多的memecoin给它拉飞 让大批筹码从交易所和机构转向散户 同时用有话题的暴富故事吸引圈外的人

在不久的未来 小Neiro的故事会传向全世界 未来也会有大批新人入场淘金

#币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
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