We talk about living in a virtual world and we are still discovering new real worlds. There are many similarities with "other worlds" that the #metaverso conceives and yet, no one has stopped to think about astrology and astronomy. But can all these worlds intersect? We see it

In addition to Stephenson's book, there are other possible sources of the term "metaverse." For example, the term "parallel universe" has been used to describe an alternative world that exists at the same time as our own universe. The term "goal" is often used to refer to something that is beyond or beyond. In this sense, the metaverse could be interpreted as an alternative universe that exists beyond our own physical universe.

We know that the further a person moves from planet Earth, the slower they age. This is because gravity affects time. As we move further away from a massive object, time passes faster. For example, a clock that is in orbit around the Earth will keep time faster than a clock that is on the surface of the Earth.

Can you imagine that in the metaverse your character could age? We talk about having our avatar but we have not stopped to contemplate if we want it to be hyperrealistic, a teenager, an adult, an old man... Should we be able to choose what state we are in? Should the avatar age naturally? Should it follow the rules of our planet's time? Imagine that you can create a hyper-realistic avatar to which you must indicate the exact age and all the time you spend in the Metaverse also affects the old age of the avatar. Would this be the reliable way to have our avatar?

What if, also from our real world with holographic technology, we could deploy our digital twin and talk to it? What if, while we are disconnected, it could function with a life of its own under parameters set by ourselves thanks to artificial intelligence? Two totally interconnected worlds, #phygital in its maximum splendor.

But let's return to the stars again, where the metaverse could be used to study the impact of celestial bodies on human life by creating three-dimensional models of planets and stars. For example, a scientist could create a three-dimensional model of a planet in which the surface, interior, and atmosphere can be explored. This model could be used to study the effects of gravity, temperature, and the planet's chemical composition on human life.

We could also create virtual environments that simulate different astronomical conditions. These environments could be used to study the effects of solar radiation, space storms, and other astronomical phenomena.

More specifically, providing a conclusion of examples we would have these 3 points:

  • A team of scientists could create a virtual environment in which participants can experience the effects of lunar gravity. This environment could be used to study how lunar gravity affects human movement, sleep and behavior.

  • A group of researchers could create a virtual environment in which participants can explore the surface of an exoplanet. This environment could be used to study the habitability of other worlds and the possible effects of extraterrestrial life on human life.

  • A museum could create a virtual environment that simulates an ancient astronomical observatory. This environment could be used to educate the public about the history of astronomy and its impact on human culture.

But of course, all this has a cost and must be shaped, for which I have been forced to ask the #IA for help personally, especially in the budget area so that we can get an idea of ​​how much it could cost us. What will it cost to simulate such beastliness and what type of technical equipment would we need to develop all these simulated environments that bring us a little closer to the stars.



  • Haptic Technology – Haptic devices can generate tactile sensations, such as vibration, heat, and cold. This could be used to simulate gravity, temperature and other atmospheric effects in the metaverse.

  • Augmented Reality (AR): The #AR can superimpose virtual objects onto the real world. This could be used to create realistic astronomical environments that users can explore.

  • Mixed Reality (MR): MR combines #RV and AR to create environments. This could be used to create astronomical simulations that allow users to interact with virtual and real objects.

For example, a haptic device could be used to simulate the sensation of walking on the surface of the Moon. AR could be used to create a virtual environment that shows the lunar surface in realistic detail. And MR could be used to create a simulation that allows users to interact with virtual objects, such as lunar rovers or space stations.

And here, with the help of artificial intelligence, I have been able to create a basic project simulation that would allow me to get an idea of ​​the necessary devices and their cost as well as the approximate total budget.



Phase 1: Research and planning. In this phase, information would be collected about the lunar surface, the effects of gravity and temperature, and other astronomical conditions that one wishes to simulate. The user experience would also be designed, including learning objectives, types of activities, and interactions with devices.

  • Phase 2: Infrastructure development. In this phase, 3D models of the lunar surface, physical devices and virtual infrastructure would be developed.

  • Phase 3: Testing and evaluation. In this phase, the user experience would be tested with a group of target users to obtain feedback and make improvements.

  • Phase 4: Launch. In this phase, the user experience would be released to the public.


2. Type of devices needed and approximate costs

Devices needed for the experience would include:

VR headsets

Motion controls

Haptic devices
  • Other Devices – Other devices that could be used to enhance the experience include headphones, microphones, and motion sensors.

The total cost of the devices would be approximately 2,000 to 6,000 euros per user.


3. Type of physical infrastructure required

The physical infrastructure necessary for the experience would include:

  • Space: Adequate space would be needed for users to experience the simulation. The size of the space will depend on the number of users you want to participate.

  • Internet Connection:  A high-speed Internet connection would be required to transmit the simulation data. Simulation with a high level of detail: A 1 Gbps or higher connection would be necessary to transmit images and motion data with a high level of detail.


4. Type of virtual infrastructure required

The virtual infrastructure necessary for the experience would include:

  • Software: Software would be needed to create and run the virtual environments. The software could be developed internally or purchased from a third-party vendor. There are many companies that could create the software necessary for a lunar visit simulation. These companies include:

  • Video game companies – Video game companies have extensive experience developing immersive virtual environments. Some video game companies that could be interested in this project include: Epic Games (Fortnite, Unreal Engine) Unity Technologies (Unity Engine) Valve Corporation (Half-Life, Steam)

  • Virtual and Augmented Reality Companies – Virtual and augmented reality companies have specific expertise in developing technologies to create immersive experiences. Some virtual and augmented reality companies that might be interested in this project include: Oculus VR (Oculus Quest) Microsoft (HoloLens) Magic Leap (Magic Leap 2)

  • Simulation Companies – Simulation companies have expertise in developing software to create virtual environments for training and coaching applications. Some simulation companies that might be interested in this project include: Lockheed Martin (Prepar3D) Boeing (Boeing Flight Simulator) Airbus (Airbus A350 XWB Flight Simulator)

  • Cloud Services: Cloud services would be needed to store and process the simulation data. Among the companies we could find Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform (GCP).


5. What type of technical equipment we would need, also specifying each of the profiles

The technical equipment needed for the project would include:

Systems architect

Software developers

User experience designers

Testers or testers


6. Total project cost

The total cost of the project will depend on a series of factors, including the number of users you want to participate, the type of devices, and the physical and virtual infrastructure required.

An estimated cost for a project of this type would be between 1 and 2 million euros.

Of course, this is just a conceptual project. More research and planning would be needed to determine the specific details of the experience.


I also have to say after writing the article in "The Peripheral" that the ideas go far beyond what AI teaches me. And we could have our own real twin to make these manned trips and through neural connection we could manage them without risk to our lives, for example in a launch. This would be something similar to the connections in the Avatar or Matrix movies where there is a conscious transfer.

This conscious transfer is known as "mind uploading" and in this way they are trying to map the consciousness of an individual to a different physical substrate, such as a computer or a robot. If this is achieved, it would be possible to transfer a person's consciousness to a new body, or even an artificial body.

In case this seems very interesting to you, I bring you 3 people who are doing a lot of research on all this:

Ray Kurzweil

Michio Kaku

Max More


But this does not stop here since there is more, especially in astrology. As we know, the metaverse is not limited to virtual worlds. Other technologies such as AI, blockchain, IoT... are thus introduced.

Well, thanks in this case to AI, we have quite amazing advances such as:

  • An artificial intelligence algorithm developed by scientists at Stanford University can predict the future with an accuracy of 70%. The algorithm uses historical data and current trends to predict future events.

  • A group of astrologers has created a new application that predicts the future. The app uses data from astrology and astronomy to predict future events, such as weather, elections, and financial markets.

I would like to provide you with links to these studies but they are classified and are in their early stages of development.

Knowing this, we can come to the conclusion that technology is moving the world by leaps and bounds.

See you in the next article