The currency circle is in chaos.

No, that's because of my ignorance.

Every mistake that happens to me is caused by me.

So don't let your wife complain about the bed.

Next, take a good look at the following paragraph.

The confusion of the moment, the anxiety of tomorrow, poetry and the distance are not the destination. Breaking the situation now is the important matter.

For example, many people want to change their fate, but what they don't know is that changing their fate is to improve, optimize, and change their energy field. The so-called energy field is real. You are actually fake. So the universe only has energy fields.

Throw away all your previous cognition. Take off all the shackles you had before. Break through your inherent cognition. Let your thinking upgrade to a higher vision. You will find that many people do the wrong things.

Of course, my funds used to be a fool. So face is not important, face is not important, only the heart is yours, the heart is the way. The way is the law. As long as you conform to the law of the way. Then you are close to the true meaning of life. You can be yourself.

Next, allow others to be others, and allow yourself to be yourself. Let the idiots continue to be idiots, and let the successful people continue to be successful. ​​

If you don’t understand what I am saying, then you will not only miss this bull market, you will also miss this only chance to change your life.

#韭菜 #狗庄 #降息