Everything will turn around when it reaches its extreme.

Defi finance, which has been immersed for so long, will have a very good performance in the future.

Then please join me in seeing which dark horse will lead everyone out of the circle. Revitalize Defi, of course I still hope that the BSC chain will top the list again.

Because at present, BNB is the most valuable and the most value-preserving in the future. (Only people with more than nine figures understand what I mean).

So the choice is very important. Just like if you spent 1 million to buy a local dog in 2021, I spent 1 million to buy BNB. In 2022, you are in a hurry to use the money, but your local dog can only be cashed out for 50,000. And my BNB can still be cashed out for 400,000. This is the difference.

So don’t look at where a coin rises from the lowest to what is not new, what is important is which one is the most cost-effective from the highest to the lowest.

Of course, my article must have at least 8 people with a net worth of more than 100 to understand what I am saying. Those who can’t understand it are basically all leeks.

So from the perspective of human nature, the probability that you will not pay attention after reading it is very high. But from the perspective of financial investment, that is, if you have a business mind, I believe you will pay attention to me immediately.

The choice is simple. . . .
