BTC was born during the subprime mortgage crisis, and it is halved every four years, which happens to be at the end of the Fed's interest rate hike cycle and the recovery period of the Merrill Lynch clock.

In addition, the data in the picture is an indicator of investors' trading enthusiasm within 30 days/365 days in the past five years. From the picture, we can observe that when the price is relatively high, everyone's trading enthusiasm is relatively high. That is, the 30-day moving average is higher than the 365-day moving average. And we can see that when the 30-day trading moving average crosses the 365-day moving average, the price will usher in a good rise.

So at present, it is about to cross below the 365-day moving average. It means that investors' trading enthusiasm has dropped significantly in the short term. And when it starts to cross, when the market becomes wonderful and indescribable. #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #美降息25个基点预期升温