This post of mine is a great short-term stock, isn’t it?

(This is the quote)

If you look at my post about shouting orders the day before yesterday, it’s even more amazing.

Does this market still need to look at the technical side?

Is it still hard to judge?

The day before yesterday, most people were bearish, and I led some core fans to place orders at 56340 this morning.

The target is 58000.

All the operation steps and reasons are explained.

This morning I said that there is no hurry to go short, and the dealer is not so ignorant that he keeps making a lot of moves in a short period of time.

However, it will definitely come down in the evening.

And it will be around 58500.

It will definitely fall back to this position.

For specific judgment, please look at my post the day before yesterday.

Learn this trick, and when you encounter this market in the future, your winning rate will be at least 80%.

Of course, I will withdraw this order first.

I don’t like to keep orders overnight. Or you can take a profit and loss guarantee.

There are many short-term opportunities, so there is no need to think that one order will be all gone.

Good night!

If you want to keep up with the real-time, click on the avatar to follow, and my password will still be shared for free.

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