1. BTC is above the 5-day moving average and below the 10-day moving average, eliminating the room for decline but not supporting continuous rise. It needs to consolidate for 1~2 days.

2. Conventional BTC can still wait for 1 day positive line. Consider whether to reduce the position according to the strength of further rise. Contracts are more cost-effective when buying on dips.

3. Spot is still a 6-layer warehouse. Don't go all out for a little volatility.

I do what I like to do and open orders that I think are good. I dare say that my winning rate is 80% whether I look at the market or open orders. It doesn't matter if the blacks criticize me. Our thinking is not in the same dimension. Contracts are not coin guessing. 50% for both positive and negative. Every small-scale fluctuation is inducing retail investors to make mistakes. The psychological endurance plus the inducement of long and short by big and small dealers make the actual winning rate of retail investors less than 30%.

1. BTC After the daily negative line, the positive line immediately reverses, forming a bottom engulfing K line, and long orders are profitable. I have spoiled the video and article in advance.

2. At present, the BTC price is above the 5-day moving average, and the short-term trend is biased towards the bulls. The low-end big positive line wipes out the falling space in the short term, but the 10-day moving average is downward, which does not support continuous rises. It needs to consolidate for 1~2 trading days before rising. Jiao Liuwei: xntm566 is now in the long time period

3. In terms of operation, in the long cycle, buying on dips is the main theme. The conventional method of BTC can wait until 1 daily positive line, and then consider the retreat issue according to the strength of the rise. The long position is determined according to the amount of decline during the day. If the decline is large, the long position will be heavier. BTC short-term pressure level 60650 ~ 61220, first support level 58450, second support level 57910

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