On the first day of the three days of low liquidity this week, although the altcoin fell, there is still active buying power. I hope that it can be properly active on Sunday. The altcoin market needs a chance to breathe.

The activeness of the altcoin shows that the market is not completely pessimistic. Of course, it is also possible that many people think that the altcoin has fallen to the basic bottom, so they dare to buy.

Although facing interest rate cuts, the US stock market had a good mood on Friday, but this mood was not effectively transmitted to the crypto market, and the capital inflow was relatively conservative, and the mood was not good.

Of course, the reduction in capital inflows may also be directly related to the opening of the ETF channel. Asian and European funds have been deposited a lot recently and have been waiting. As I said, BTC below 60,000 has indeed made a small part of the funds active.