Can you play short-term or ultra-short-term trading?

My answer is: Yes, but it is not suitable for most people. There are many excellent companies in the market that do quantitative trading, all of which are high-frequency trading, including the fund of Simons, the great god whose yield has crushed Buffett for decades. This is the case. The average holding time for each operation is only one or two days; many top traders also operate in the same way, and they can capture fleeting trading opportunities in the ever-changing market.

To do short-term trading, you need a highly perfect trading system, extremely high trading literacy and extremely rich trading experience. On this basis, even if you still have 1% of emotions, it won’t work. Why do many people like to do short-term trading? Because it fits human nature. The brain is not very sensitive to future rewards, it needs timely positive and negative feedback, so it commands your genes to feel pleasure from high-frequency trading.

Therefore, if you are determined to become a short-term expert, you have to work hard in these aspects, and it is not something that can be achieved overnight. From establishing a trading system to being able to strictly execute it every time and being calm. Turning yourself into a ruthless trading machine is the most basic premise. The switch between long-term, medium-term and short-term trading is nothing more than choosing different lengths of trading time periods. It is not difficult to switch, but it is difficult to remain calm after switching.