If you are caught by more than 4 of the following 9 items, it means that you are not suitable for cryptocurrency trading, very accurate $btc

1. Hearsay type. This kind of people, once they hear something, they can operate directly without thinking

2. Full warehouse altcoin type. The biggest feature of this kind of people is that they may only have tens of thousands of yuan of funds, but they can actually own dozens of altcoins. They want to own all coins, and they say that they have all the coins that have risen

3. Uncontrollable type. Every time they operate, they know it is wrong, but they can't control themselves. When buying and selling, they say that they want to buy and sell at that time, but their hands are out of control.

4. Admit mistakes but don't change. It is typical that they always admit mistakes and never change them. The same problem can be committed forever but can never be changed.

5. Gambler type. There is no fundamentals, no understanding of trading logic, no cognition, and they like high leverage and all-in.

6. Pretend to be X type. Some people, who obviously lose a lot of money, just like to brag. For them, the market is not for operation, but for talking and bragging.

7. People who get too deeply into the drama. This kind of people treat fluctuations as TV series. Every slight change can make them lose control of their emotions. They lose control of rising, falling, and consolidating. They suffer for 4 hours after opening for 4 hours.

8. People who only buy but don’t sell. This kind of people are reluctant to sell after buying. They deceive themselves that this is a bull market and don’t know how to stop losses. The altcoin can fall by 80% and can fall by 80%. They just don’t stop losses and continue to hold on.

9. People who don’t separate long and short lines and don’t know how to manage positions. This kind of people feel uncomfortable when the price falls, and they feel uncomfortable when the price rises. They feel uncomfortable when they are trapped in the price fall, and they feel uncomfortable when they don’t buy when the price rises. They forget to add positions when the price falls, and regret not selling when the price rises.#btcIfyou are caught by 4 or more of the following 9 items, it means you are not suitable for currency trading. It is very accurate. $btc#Ripple于诉讼中取得部分胜利 #美国CPI数据即将公布 #美联储何时降息?