A long time ago, there was a primitive village called Global Village. The villagers were equal and friendly. They worked together and everyone shared the harvest.

Suddenly one day, a strong man named America in the global village got a big killer, and no one could beat America from then on. So he wanted to lie down, and he started to consume without working.

When the United States wants something from someone else or wants someone else's service, it writes them an IOU.

At first, the villagers were reluctant to accept the American IOU. But intimidated by the American weapon and the power of his six followers, they had to accept it.

But then things changed, and the villagers discovered the usefulness of these IOUs.

Since the villagers in the global village were forced to accept the IOUs from the United States in exchange for their goods and services, the villagers also began to exchange goods and services with the IOUs they received from the United States.

For example: A villager named China's family is very good at manufacturing, but they are short of ore, so China takes the IOU from the United States and exchanges it for the ore from another villager named Brazil.

Under such circumstances, the attitude of the villagers in the global village towards the US IOUs changed from being forced to accept them to being eager to get them. They even gave these IOUs a nice name: the dollar

Stimulated by the US dollar, the global village has soared from the pastoral era to the market economy era. The global village has experienced a population explosion, technological explosion, and life explosion.

However, the IOU of the United States, which created this round of prosperity in the global village, has two hidden concerns:

--In order to win the trust of other villagers, the United States did not dare to issue too many IOUs at one time, but set an IOU limit every year. But now the two sons of the American family fight for the right to speak at home every year, and they are willing to destroy the credibility of the United States.

--As time goes by, consuming without working has gradually changed from a privilege of American families to a curse. They have lost their ability to work and can only rely on constantly issuing new IOUs to replace old ones.

Moreover, the prosperity of the global village is also heavily dependent on the IOUs created by the consumption of American families. They are not allowed to issue fewer IOUs, or even to reduce the speed at which they issue IOUs. Otherwise, the economic system of the global village will experience a drastic shock and then decline.

In this way, America’s IOUs have gone from being a tool for draining others to a nightmare for draining itself.

This is the origin of the US debt problem!

Whether or not there will be a default depends on the game between the Republicans and the Democrats. Whoever gives in will lose the chance to run for the 24th election! However, there will probably not be a default, but this drama will take a long time! #TON #Ripple于诉讼中取得部分胜利 #PlusToken相关钱包转移ETH #加密市场反弹