There are many Ethereum killers, and many people bet on them. Winners are always very loud, while losers are often silent, so people think that betting on Ethereum killers is a good business, and they think that Ethereum is doomed. But in fact, this year SOL just outperformed ETH, while others all lost.

Why did the so-called killers APT SUI DOT ATOM ADA AVAX ICP and other first-layer chains lose? Because the killers did not solve any of the problems faced by Ethereum, and they only worked hard on short-term pull and harvesting!

Ethereum only needs to maintain burning and deflation to maintain its position as the second place for thousands of years. I remember that those who said they would kill Bitcoin and Ethereum every day have disappeared.

I think we should not be biased against Shanzhai. Shanzhai has raised investors in the secondary market, raised people in the primary market, raised VCs, raised project parties, exchanges, and even local dog enthusiasts.

If Shanzhai has no market, there will be less wealth effect. It is difficult for newcomers to come to this circle to be glorious. The funds in the circle will be transferred back and forth, and will only become less and less.

If you make enough money, you will leave. If you lose too much, you will also leave.
