Let me briefly talk about my recent operations. I will make up for last month's monthly record in the next two days.

I have been numb in the past two weeks. My assets have shrunk by more than half. This is the case when I have made some preparations. If you have been following me #月记 before, you know that I believe that the probability of double peaks is higher than the probability of directly turning to bearish, so I am still determined to buy the bottom and do some swings.

I looked at the available u, and there are only about 1200u, which is getting closer and closer to the point where I stop trading (I will keep a layer of u as emergency funds, unless there is a big drop). If it continues to fall, I will directly use this part of the funds for fixed investment, although I can only buy a few times😂

The probability of the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates in September is almost 99.999%, but the expected market conditions do not seem good, and the expectation of recession is also high. Will the cryptocurrency circle become one of the safe-haven assets?

I am not sure, but there is no better choice, at least it is better than stocks. Buffett is converting a large part of his stocks into cash, which at least shows that stocks are not a good place to go.

I also suggest that you hold as few low-circulation, high-market-value tokens as possible, and increase your position in $BTC $ETH $BNB . I am currently preparing to slowly increase my position in these three coins. If I guess the direction wrong, there will not be too much floating loss.

Many of the altcoins I hold have been cut in half or more, which is uncomfortable. This shows that my strategy has failed at least in this round of small BTC bull market. I don’t know if there is any chance to improve it. I don’t have much liquidity, and I will hardly sell my stocks until my stop loss point (floating loss 85+%) is reached.