$SAGA Vault 4 base currency airdrop has been issued, remember to check your wallet.

If you want to continue to participate in the next airdrop, return all the airdropped tokens and staking income as soon as possible, and at least 0.1 to 1% more tokens at the end of this snapshot.

Because it is getting more and more competitive, everyone is a loyalty wallet, and the staking income is almost the same, so everyone's new staking rate is almost the same. In order to avoid being squeezed out of the top 20,000, you can stake 0.1-1% more tokens.

Finally, it is not recommended that wallets without loyalty (including new wallets) participate in staking. According to the original plan of the project party, there are 10 Vault airdrops, and now it is almost halfway through, and large-scale unlocking will begin around April next year. The risk is relatively high. It takes 21 days to unstake and arrive. My other wallet has also been unstaked. After the expiration, I will decide whether to sell part of it and keep part for subsequent additional staking.