#美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #比特币大会

Detailed table of net inflow and net outflow of Ethereum US stock ETF

Actual net outflow -133 million (outflow of 40,000 Ethereum)

Last night, Grayscale net outflow -326 million (outflow of 95,000 Ethereum)

Fidelity net inflow +0.74 billion (inflow of 21,000 Ethereum)

BlackRock net inflow +0.17 billion (inflow of 5,000 Ethereum)

Because Grayscale's market-smashing power is still strong, but the strength of the takeover has decreased, the net outflow last night was 133 million (40,000 Ethereum outflow Out)

Grayscale dumped a total of 800 million US dollars in two days, with a total of 8 billion, and 7.2 billion left

Let me briefly explain why the takeover failed. First of all, ETFs are US stocks. Something happened to US stocks last night. US stocks plummeted -3.8%. Tesla and Nvidia all plummeted -6% or more. Under this mood, it is normal for US stock ETF investors not to take over Grayscale. If you open the plummeting US stocks last night, you dare not take action. A single-day plunge of -3.8% in one night is a scene that has not been seen in a year. Therefore, BlackRock and Fidelity have insufficient funds to take over. Grayscale dumped the market and did not take it over. This is the situation.

Many people have been asking why they pay attention to the US stock market before. Now you understand.

When the nest is overturned, how can the eggs be intact? Bitcoin ETF and Ethereum ETF have entered the US stock market, so they need US stock funds to trade. The US stock market plummeted last night.

It will become more and more difficult to play later, because the US stock market has risen for two years and the five waves have ended. The technology bubble burst. There will be a second US stock market -3.8%, a third and so on -4.8%. Moreover, the plunge of the US stock market today is -3% in the Japanese stock market, -2% in South Korea, and -0.8% in the xx stock market, which has led to a sharp drop in stock markets in various countries.

I have said too many times before that July, August and September will not be easy, and I have also said that the US stock market is too high. It was not until today that the US stock market began to collapse. The US stock market has risen for two years and will fall for two months first. It will fall to September.

The dog dealers in the currency circle are not human. The Ethereum ETF pretended to give you a sense of support on the first day, but they stopped pretending on the second day. Tonight is the third day of the Ethereum ETF. The detailed table of net inflows and net outflows of the Ethereum ETF will continue to be updated tomorrow afternoon.