Have a friend

Asset A8 Ben A9

My grandfather was a farmer.

My father is in the system

I am outside the system

How to move up when you are nearly 40

1. Choosing a major, school, and city is just the beginning

This rule applies to both men and women, young and old

But the details that need attention are to choose the right major

Choose the right school, choose the right city

For example, in computer science

It is best to study in a city with advanced IT

Stay there after graduation

Otherwise you study somewhere else

Then I moved to the city where I live and bought a house to settle down.

The time cost and turnover loss in the middle are very high

For example, if you want to study medicine, it is best to go to Suzhou, Shanghai or other places with developed pharmaceutical industries.

You insist on working in a place where the local industry does not match your university major.

Of course it's very difficult

Choosing a major depends on future trends

For example, population aging and decline and K12 policy reasons

It is not wise to apply for normal school again

For example, rehabilitation professions that will serve the elderly in the future

Artificial intelligence, etc., follow the trend

It may be easier to find a job.

Study to get a master's degree and enter the system

Lucky and with high EQ, you get a position with resources and power.

Study to get a PhD, apply for a scholarship, return to your home country with the overseas technology to start a business, or join a promising startup company and get options, and once the company goes public, you will become financially independent.

Reading can only train people's thinking and find ways to solve problems quickly.

It can even broaden your horizons, but reading won’t make you rich immediately.

Business has a complete set of business logic

Business is about finding opportunities and executing them boldly.

It involves a lot of knowledge, including financial, tax and legal knowledge

Marketing knowledge, interpersonal relationship maintenance, insight into market changes

Consumer/Customer Psychology (Human Nature)

Business model design

Pricing strategy and charging model

Management knowledge, etc.

It is difficult for us to learn mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography and history from primary school to university.

However, education from childhood is the foundation

If the foundation is not solid, the rest will collapse.

Essentially, the six-year and nine-year compulsory education and the subsequent non-compulsory education are only to systematically cultivate people's thinking and logical abilities.

Rather than giving people the skills to make money

The real skills that can be used to make money are university majors.

and inheritance of business from parents or relatives

2. Marriage

Marriage after adulthood must be a match made in heaven.

To put it bluntly, you think marriage is a shortcut and a stepping stone

In fact, marriage

The underlying logic behind this is still the game of genes (appearance and intelligence level).

Marriage depends on the accumulation of your parents and even your grandparents.

(As for family background, ordinary people can get the same level as their parents.

A famous family must look back to the grandparents and even n generations of ancestors.)

It also depends on your personal ability and accomplishments (work unit, annual income, etc.)

But one rule that applies to both men and women is

Try to get into a good school for both primary, middle, high and university

Screen high-quality potential stocks among your classmates

(For example, top candidates who are good at studying and have high emotional intelligence, the person in charge of the student union, and seniors who are close to teachers/mentors)

Because children from prestigious schools have neither personal qualities nor parental resources and capabilities

All are guaranteed

And the student years are the only time when class consciousness is not strong.

It is easy to cultivate feelings and seize a potential stock

Because at that time, people were not too utilitarian and were relatively simple.

Marriage and studies after adulthood (sometimes there are good-looking people, but they are rare)

High-quality men are more likely to move up and marry than women

The best way is to ask the tutor's daughter or niece

The daughter or niece of the dean, the daughter or niece of the leader, etc.

Because white, rich and beautiful women usually come from a good family, it would be great if they could find a father-in-law.

But it is basically difficult for a daughter-like only child to stand on her own.

This is when the son-in-law comes into play

A father-in-law will generally choose a son-in-law with good education and good character to assist or even inherit his career.

If you can successfully marry a white, rich and beautiful woman

It's like giving you all your father-in-law's life's hard work.

Refer to Wang Shi, Liu Luanxiong, Li Ka-shing, etc.

But when I was young, I had to be humble in the home of a rich and beautiful woman.

Low-key and positive, gradually transferring power and developing oneself in middle age

Gradually you will gain some initiative and some family status

After adulthood, it is difficult for women to get married.

If you don't have a good education and family background

Most of them will become playthings of the rich second generation.

There are also a small number of women with outstanding beauty and high emotional intelligence.

You can marry a rich man, but it is rare

And after marriage, you need to bear a lot of burdens and tolerate a lot and always maintain a positive attitude.

For example, you need to be good at everything and take care of the housework.

Need to turn a blind eye to your partner's flirting

Need to please the parents-in-law and the man's family, need to be a reproductive machine

Need to keep your figure attractive at all times

Need to put up with husband's temper, etc.

It's not easier than working hard to make money

The essence of human interaction is value exchange

Insufficient personal value needs to be supplemented by emotional intelligence

And the dedication to the family

Difficult to measure, and often understated

Unlike working outside, the gains are not easy to measure

As the saying goes, marrying high and swallowing needles

So marriage is not an easy path to take.

And it is still a comprehensive evaluation indicator

It still depends on family background, personal ability and strength (in fact, family background and strength test the IQ + opportunities of parents).

Personal strength tests one's IQ + opportunity)

Ultimately, it’s a competition at the genetic level.

3. Going Abroad

Low-level workers can consider learning a skill

Then find the right agent to work abroad

Such as chefs, nurses, and decorators

Blue-collar workers abroad earn more than in China

The prerequisite is to pass the foreign language test and be able to endure hardship.

Enduring loneliness and separation from loved ones

4. Hit the right wind

For example, catching up with the real estate boom

Using leverage to speculate in real estate

Hoarding Bitcoin when no one knew about it

Started making short videos when no one else was making short videos

I didn’t know how to do micro-business when I was young.

Requires keen insight and execution

At the front of the vent

See some emerging opportunities and trends

5. Value investing

Take off with the power of the platform and trends

Join a little-known but promising company

Always accompany the company's growth

Buying shares in a promising company, etc.

I have a friend who has a technical secondary school degree. He has never been able to change his job.

Working day after day for more than ten years

Following the boss from a few people to the IPO

Finally, even if a small proportion of shares were allocated

But as the original shareholders, there are already tens of millions

6. Meet a noble person

Find someone who is willing to bring you into the industry or support you

Serve Him

He will give you some resources or opportunities.

7. Destroy fields and cities by attacking with dimensionality reduction

Bringing popular foreign businesses to China

Move domestic business abroad

Move popular commercial projects in first-tier cities to second-tier cities

Bringing athletes trained in the US to compete in China (such as Gu Ailing)

Girls apply for computer major

Finding a date in a college full of male students, etc.

Another example is Chinese programmers taking part-time jobs in the United States

Earning the difference in foreign exchange rates is equivalent to earning several times the money for one job, etc.

8. Luck

For example, buying the Mark Six lottery

Encountering accidental events such as house demolition, etc.

9. Make friends and keep an open mind

If you work in one place all your life, you will never see opportunities.

In your spare time, you must walk and see more

Rich people can see many business opportunities while traveling

Poor people can meet different people when they travel

You might meet someone noble.

But we need to carefully identify

Most of the chances of transitioning require some luck.

For example, meeting a noble person, or winning the lottery

The other thing you can do is study.

But the underlying logic of reading is also IQ

People with high IQs learn quickly

It's easy to get knowledge.

Studying and getting married are two paths that ordinary people seem to be able to take, but the underlying logic behind these two is IQ.

Studying depends on your inherited IQ, the wealth created by your parents' IQ when they were young, the educational environment brought by your own efforts

Getting married depends on how well you study when you are in school. If you have a good education, your parents have laid a good foundation, and you can find a good job, it will be easy to find a partner who is of equal status or to move up the social ladder.

Therefore, human competition is essentially a competition at the genetic level.

Including the appearance and intelligence level brought from the mother's womb

If you are an adult

Missed reading

If you miss your marriage, just lie down

This is fate

It is best to lie on one side

Keep your body healthy and don't pull your hips

Keep your spirits high and happy

In short, I am happy physically and mentally

Dilute material desires

At least keep your class from slipping

So a person's intelligence level is the most scarce thing

It is difficult to change what is innate

But acquired education and reading can change some of them

Appearance can be changed through technical means (plastic surgery)

It is no longer scarce in modern society

Therefore, the most scarce thing for humans is intelligence.

This determines what class your parents belong to.

It will also determine what class you are in.

If parents are frugal

No big money, no big illness

I am just like my parents

No big money, no big illness

The probability is that the class will not decline.

Gradually accumulating wealth and managing finances slowly can achieve a small fortune.

To rise up the social ladder

First of all, you need to be lucky enough to encounter a low-probability event.

Therefore, the only options for ordinary people are to study and work abroad.

Marriage is not a particularly good springboard

Because men and women nowadays are not stupid

Their parents aren't stupid.

I don’t want to find a family or person who is worse than me.

Another one is that even if the upward marriage is achieved

There will be various variables, and the mistress and the fourth mistress are waiting for divorce.

You have to treat your rich second-generation husband like a boss

Although the material seems rich, the spirit is not necessarily relaxed.

Someone mentioned starting a business, which is also a way

But starting a business is a life of death

Requires very good business perception and cognition

Business practical skills are required

Requires very high emotional intelligence, customer and government affairs relationship maintenance and management capabilities

(The ability to control people and understand human nature)

Need to be ruthless and quick

You need a direct relative or collateral relative to lead the way

Business is changing rapidly, small businesses can

Big businesses can easily fail and return to poverty (e.g., a large number of people die in an epidemic)

So for ordinary people

It can be used as a livelihood (it is OK to set up a stall and run it honestly)

But changing class may be a little difficult (it is difficult to become bigger and stronger)

How to choose growth companies

First of all, the business direction is what you like and is suitable for you.

Because I want to grow with a company.

It is likely to serve for many years

There is no way to persevere in doing things that are not in line with your interests.

Second, see whether the company's business meets future trends and whether the product has a large number of users (this determines how big the market size can be)

Can it meet the needs

Are there any technical barriers (moats) to products and technologies?

Third, look at the background of the company’s startup team and investors

After choosing, calm down

Work hard, when the company matures and the products mature

It’s harvest time

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