Some people say that bottom-fishing is simple, just buy in when it falls.

So in the torture of the infinite decline of the cottage in the past 4 months, if you buy in when it falls, buy in when it falls, and then cover your position and buy in, it will continue to fall.

Do you still think bottom-fishing is simple? And is this bottom-fishing?

A key point of bottom-fishing is: to have a correct understanding of the future stage trend of this coin, and the formation of the trend is usually based on the following three aspects.

1. Understanding of the fundamentals of the coin: Are the themes and concepts about to be in the spotlight? Ambush in advance is suitable for long-term bottom-fishing.

2. Understanding of the news of the coin: Are financing, production reduction, project upgrades, celebrity endorsements, etc. about to be put on the agenda? Ambush in advance is suitable for mid-term bottom-fishing.

3. Having entered the operating track of 1 and (or 2), using the relationship between volume and price or other technical indicators to judge the callback low in the trend of the coin is ambush, which is suitable for short-term bottom-fishing. To learn more about the logic of cryptocurrency investment, please visit my homepage! 🌟

Don't expect your knowledge to cover the above three points. As long as you are proficient in one of them, you can enjoy the joy of bottom-fishing.

Bottom-fishing also requires firm belief. The correct and objective understanding of the trend can avoid being washed away by the sideways trading or the market crash of the dog dealer.

If you are not a person who can stand loneliness, don't learn from others to bottom-fish.

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