1. The narrative of pure MEME coin

Pure MEME actually shares the same narrative

The difference is that the narrative strength is different. Some have more operational drama and a stronger rhythm. Some have stronger financial strength and more aggressive pull. Of course, there are some MEMEs that will develop products later, and the products and ecology will have new narratives.

Although each pure MEME has different images, "cultures" and stories, etc., it is highly unlikely that anyone really likes or believes in these images, "cultures" or stories. The only difference is that some of them make people think they are more reflexive.

However, pure MEME narratives are difficult to sustain. doge Shib pepe These are not pure MEMEs. They all have products outside of MEME. Product iteration and ecological development can bring about sustained narratives.

2. The difference between pure MEME coins and MEME coins

Pure MEME is different from MEME. Pure MEME has no product, only community. The community is originally birds of the same forest, but they fly away when the big bear comes.

3. The prosperous environment of MEME coin The rise of MEME in 2024 is essentially a fantasy

The big environment and market narrative have not arrived, but the market sentiment and hot money have arrived. However, the market and hot money cannot develop technology, products and ecology. Therefore, we can only fantasize. The problems of VC coins include continuous unlocking, insider trading... These situations may not be absent in the MEME coin project.

4. The logic behind the rise of MEME coin: The rise of MEME comes from its reflexivity

People thought it would go up, so they bought, and it actually went up.

5. The logic behind the decline of MEME coin: MEME’s reflexivity is fragile

Most of the people who buy MEME do not like or agree with this MEME culture, but just recognize this reflexivity. Soon, as the value inflow slows down, these people will gradually withdraw, causing MEME to rise rapidly and then fall rapidly.

6. Can I play with MEME coins?

Of course you can! However, there are two main factors for right-side trading:

First, the common narrative of MEME begins. As mentioned earlier, all pure MEMEs are actually the same narrative.

Second, it is highly reflexive. To put it bluntly, it can convince more people to participate.

Two points to note:

First, pay attention to the listing on CEX. Before listing on CEX, it is relatively early, and after listing on small and medium-sized CEX, it may be mid-term or late.

Second, pay attention to the discussion heat on Twitter. When the discussion heat wanes, you may want to consider leaving. Who is not suitable for MEME? If you can't pay attention to Twitter several times a day, or even check it every few days, you may not be suitable for MEME. Because of the lack of sensitivity, you are likely to buy into it.

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