As mentioned before, btc at 14:00 p.m., the CPI went up and down. Let’s take a look at what the previous section says about the masked area. The attached picture is as follows:

Main Image text: BTC

※BTC is moving according to the time given by the main force in the previous article. Let’s first look at the attached picture with some of the previously obscured content published in the early morning.

After rebounding on the 8th, starting at 20:00 on the 10th yesterday, long-term investors began to take profits and fell back. After the arrival of the 11th, as mentioned above, it will be necessary to start building high points. As mentioned in the conversation in the attached picture, there was a bearer at four o'clock in the morning. It didn't matter whether it was moving or not, but after it reached the lowest point of the decline, it continued to rebound and build a high point before 12 noon. Subsequently, in the morning, the price increased and the price reached a high point. However, after the price increased, the short sellers came to sell again at 4 o'clock in the morning. As a result, the high point is now being re-established. However, the current high point has been established. It's not very important, it's more like I just need an explanation, so whether or not to raise prices is completely casual, because low prices can also build high points.

——Future (Follow-up):

★At present, it has been in a major downward consolidation since the 11th. At this time of building a high point, it is affecting the 20-point CPI release, which may cause the CPI to fluctuate first up and then down. After this time is over, it will officially enter a long-term downward consolidation (it will not hit a new low of 534) until the more critical time of the big bearer on the 17th as mentioned above comes.


