Main Image text: #BTC

※Abstract before the article: See attached picture for details

Let’s first take a look at the cover article of the article at 19:00 on the 11th yesterday. After the multi-master information was given out before 0:00 on the 12th, multiple masters left the market. In addition, the short side went short at the same time, resulting in an explosion of root insertions. And built a low point.

After establishing a low at 22 o'clock, the price quickly increased. The new high here is problematic.

Later in the tweet, the 2 a.m. article mentioned the importance of building high points, and also explained the risks and opportunities of empty owners.

——Future (Follow-up):

★Follow-up, although I said to wait and see if there will be a higher point in the afternoon after 13 o'clock.

However, based on the current information, it seems that the term "building high" cannot be used for this purpose. Instead, it is more appropriate to use the term "divergence". But the term divergence is not a divergence of indicators, but a divergence between the main controller and investors. (Please note that you need to understand the meaning of this paragraph)

Here is an explanation:

Because the current disk looks like it needs to be cleared. The word "clear" contains the word "empty master will not come yet" and becomes the word "clear".

And what price impact will this removal have?

A closer pattern would look like a consolidation. That is to say, between now and 2 a.m. on the 13th, there will be many people on the market who are similar to KOL calling orders, retail investors, and organized groups will continue to speculate on the bottom during this time. These people are listed as the party to be eliminated. However, if these people's bottom speculation will have an impact, it will at most exceed 58,500. However, what if these people speculate too little? The price will fall. Therefore, the meaning of such information must be biased towards shock (the price can also determine the strength of these KOLs).

This is because the main force does not care whether the price is higher or lower.