Main Image text: #BTC

※Abstract before the article: See attached picture for details

According to the text in the shaded area of ​​​​the attached picture, there were many incidents after 0 o'clock on the 10th. Subsequently, the events began to ferment after 0 o'clock, and the price increased. From the information display, it seems that the information is related to the attributes of APPLE conference. However, at 23:00 yesterday, because I was not watching the news and did not know that there was an APPLE press conference, I could only treat it as a general event (this is because usually I don’t know what the event is, so I can’t match the information attributes) If the same, 30% will be used).

Next, the previous article mentioned the important multi-master end time of the event at four o'clock in the morning. There is indeed a more critical situation here. Although due to the incident, a small bull market was attracted to build a high point at 5 o'clock in the morning. But the appearance of this important situation cannot be concealed.

This bearer is a professional. He already knew about it on the 2nd and planned to wait for the APPLE conference on the 10th to introduce bulls to the market. This is by no means an accident.

As mentioned on August 5, most of the owners on August 23 were faked by short owners, and the highest price was 65 on the 23rd. In terms of operating positions, the short owner’s profit was 13,000 points, which is comparable to the profit of the short owner of 10,000 points. This is definitely not a simple guy, he has a high degree of professional ability.

——Future (Follow-up):

★This empty host, is it related to the big empty host on the 23rd? If there is a connection and the resulting suppression does not occur immediately, it will become normal.

This air host is a professional, and he can actually hold the institution as a chess piece. The message at 4 o'clock in the morning shows that the air host wants to guide the institution to enter the market and participate.

Follow-up, now that it is known that the host on the 10th has already planned to use the APPLE conference, then we should pay attention to the event on the 12th. The premise is to pay attention first... Due to theft and counterfeiting, the second half will not be released for the time being. Binance Square will publish the post first. Please check the posting time. If you need the second half, please search for my name and subscribe.