Market insights for Bitcoin and Ethereum on July 10:

From the perspective of returning to fundamentals, the daily trend shows that the overall market is still in a weak downward state. Although there is a rebound in the short term, the sustainability is limited and the downward trend structure has not been changed. The main market players are still biased towards a short position.

The current 5-hour chart shows that the trend of pulling back and forth at a low level has formed, and the market is difficult to continue, resulting in wide fluctuations. The rebound is resisted in the short term, and we continue to pay close attention to the possibility of a decline.


Bitcoin: Go long in the range of 58400-59300, and set a stop loss at 58000. Ethereum: Go long in the range of 3080-3120, and set a stop loss at 3040.

These suggestions are based on the short-term rhythm, pay attention to the rebound of the market, and consider taking a strategy of going long after stepping back.

If you are not sure, you can find me in the homepage brief section! I wish you a smooth investment!

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