Mark Twain once said a very profound sentence: "When you find yourself on the side of the majority, you should stop and think". If you think and act the same as the majority of people in the market, then why do you make money?

The 5 must-fail personalities in the currency circle

1. Gambling dog type

If you make money, you will work in the club, and if you lose, you will work in the fields. Each of us is a gambling dog, because gambling is human nature. In human history, no matter how much oppression is encountered, the strong demand for gambling has never changed.

Although the currency circle is different from the casino, it has to be admitted that the speculation method of most people in the currency circle is essentially the same as gambling. Losing money is because of winning money. After the first unexpected profit, the gambler is full of confidence.

Winning money and wanting to win, losing money to make up for the loss, being trapped and waiting for rebound, fear of missing out, chasing ups and downs, etc., are all gambling dog mentality. Preset a virtual imaginary goal in the brain, completely ignore the current market trend, and operate according to your greed, fear, and hope. Why is fortune-telling so accurate sometimes? Because what determines the so-called "fate and fate" of ordinary people is habit, that is, behavior. The inertia of doing is karma.

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2. Stubborn donkey type

Hold it, the team is doing things. The most typical behavior of a stubborn donkey is to hold on, especially when facing huge losses, especially when the market falls sharply. Small fears lead to panic, and big fears lead to paralysis. The bigger the fall, the more stubborn it is. Take an example of a friend in my group. After facing a sharp drop, he did not stop the loss in time, and his assets of tens of millions were blown up. I was very curious at the time and asked why he did not stop the loss in time. He said that after seeing the huge losses, his brain was blank and he was completely stunned.

People will have a stronger emotional reaction to the results caused by taking actions than the results caused by not taking actions. Therefore, people often choose "not to take action" because they are afraid of regret. What if I sell it and it rebounds, I will regret it even more, so I will hold on to it. Another kind is that the position determines the brain and falls in love with the project party. After buying a certain currency, negative news about the project and changes in market trends are automatically blocked.

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