Is Dogecoin about to bounce back to $0.2?

The price of DOGE has risen by 1.5% in the past 24 hours and is trading at $0.1098 as of 6:24 AM UTC. The price increase occurred during a market-wide recovery led by Bitcoin.

The price of Dogecoin is showing signs of recovery, which, if sustained, could push the meme coin back above $0.2.

Over the past week, the price of Dogecoin has fallen by about 9.8%, ranging between $0.121 and $0.093. The broader downtrend has led to a 24% decline over the past month. Recently, the price of Dogecoin has rebounded by 19% from a low of $0.09136 to current levels. Despite the rebound, the price action of Dogecoin remains within a descending channel and is currently trading at the middle level of the range.

On the other hand, if the bears gain the upper hand, the price of DOGE could drop to the bottom of the channel at about $0.082 and find some support around $0.10.

Dogecoin’s price action appears bullish as it prepares to hit the $0.2 mark. Key technical indicators also signal a potential buying opportunity. This upward trend indicates growing investor interest and could bring more momentum to this popular meme cryptocurrency in the near term.

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