This is something that few people in the currency circle must know!

These days, pie is like a thunder, waking up many people's dreams. Technology has continued to advance for thousands of years, but the nature of human nature has not changed significantly. As the saying goes, there is nothing new under the sun. Today I want to talk to you about speculation. Nature.

Tulip mania swept the Netherlands 400 years ago, one of the most famous financial bubbles in history. There are indeed many similarities between virtual currencies and tulips. In the 17th century, the Netherlands was in its golden age, and tulips became a symbol of the wealthy class and aristocratic status. In just three years, tulips soared more than 50 times, and almost everyone joined. this craze.

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Before the bubble burst, some rare tulip bulbs were enough to exchange for an entire house in Amsterdam. When the bubble burst, 95% of the bubble dissipated, and now the code of the virtual currency has been open source.

You can create a coin today, and he can create a coin tomorrow. Just like when someone sold his estate to buy rare tulip bulbs, many people now invest all their money in the currency circle, and even add contract leverage.

"If you are still underwater, cannot see the market clearly, and are always in a state of loss, follow me, leave a message at 888, and I will take you ashore."