During Trump's speech, the price of Bitcoin fell for a time, then recovered and rose slightly on the day.

Trump compared the Republican acceptance of cryptocurrencies with the Biden administration's regulatory approach, listed a series of cryptocurrency-friendly promises, and promised to destroy the Biden-Harris "anti-cryptocurrency movement". And to create a "Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Presidential Advisory Committee". However, when he was in the White House, he was dismissive of Bitcoin and considered it a scam.

Now, Trump's attitude has turned 180 degrees and he has made many supportive remarks. Behind this may be the millions of dollars and campaign needs of cryptocurrency lobbying groups.

Although Vice President Harris rejected the invitation to the Bitcoin Conference, it is expected to clarify its position in the coming weeks. There have also been changes within the Democratic Party, with more than 20 members calling for an abandonment of anti-Bitcoin policies. The currency circle has become a "must-fight place" in the general election. Let us wait and see how it will develop in the future!

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