A few days ago, when $BTC hadn’t fallen yet, my friend asked me;

Brother, let’s withdraw money together! I said yes, of course, no problem, we were originally planning to go to Hong Kong, you know! Later, we said that we could go to Singapore to have fun. Of course, we were going to have fun to see the scenery and play at the beach, not the kind you think. We had already decided to withdraw money, and when it faced a big drop, everyone was numb. Now it’s not about whether brother will go to Singapore! I said I’m waiting for you to order at that local restaurant! 2! Dishes! Brother, is it enough for us to drink!!! I’ve been free for almost a month this month! You can also check out my recent posts! The time and trend points can all match up!

My brother is suffering, but he is also quite funny in life. He is not bad. At least his family currently has 2 shops! Three cars! Two houses. Others are from the countryside. They entered this circle in 2017. When they were the most devastated, they owed money everywhere, and even the bank’s credit was black. They really relied on themselves to get up. At least so far, they have no worries! But they have lost the drive and enthusiasm of the past!

Otherwise, we will definitely not stop now! In fact, there are not many brothers born in 1996! I have experienced too much and withstood too much pressure. I have become old after experiencing ups and downs! But I hope that those who have just entered the circle will not be too aggressive and easy to suffer losses. It is almost the same as $ETH and $BTC. Don’t get familiar with this market first! However, many people are very curious about the withdrawal. Brother K has previously posted the detailed steps of withdrawal! In fact, there is nothing to pay attention to when withdrawing money. Some people around me have met with acquaintances. This is convenient for going back and forth. I received more than 100,000 black gold before, which really hurt me. I don’t want to mention it or think about it. It must be gone. If you look for a hat, your previous things will definitely be dug out. At that time, you may even be targeted and make trouble for the rest of your life!