When you withdraw money, don't just sell it without thinking! Think more about the consequences of large withdrawals. If it is a small amount of money, of course there is no problem! Just withdraw money on the platform. Don't make it so troublesome. If it is too frequent, you will be targeted.............. I have to say that I am really unlucky. In the future, if there is a problem with the withdrawal, remember not to tell the hat. For example, don't tell the hat if it is about 100,000! Because your capital disk is much larger than this number, if you tell the hat, I can only tell you that you will be targeted in the future. It is really inconvenient! Whatever I do is awkward. Now basically, people will ask about large amounts! What are you doing? I rely on my friends to buy U now. It's really too troublesome. I am convinced that I can go directly to Hong Kong, or if there is a problem in Singapore, don't tell the hat at the first time! Don't tell the hat ... I can only say that I suffered a huge loss, but it's okay. Why do I say that? Because I put the money in the exchange to earn interest, which is much better than putting it in the bank. Now whoever puts money in the bank is really better off moving bricks. At present, there are all kinds of negative situations in society, and the economic situation is not good. I am full of interest from the exchange #热门内容