BTC market analysis: BTC has been in a downward trend for a whole month since it reached 72,000 on June 7. It is still in a downward trend at the daily level and has not reversed; the important pressure level at the upper daily level is near the 60,000 integer mark.

From the hourly level, the current big cake is forming a triangle trend with a gradually lower rebound high and a gradually higher support position. It is about to touch the upper trend line pressure of the small level near 57,900 again. Pay attention to whether it can break through the hourly trend line suppression. Once it breaks through, it can be seen at the daily pressure near 60,000 above;

However, it has touched the pressure callback three times before, so whether it will break through remains to be observed. If it callbacks again, the support position below can be paid attention to near 55,500.