If my bank card is frozen, can I apply for a new one? [Follow! Understand!]


To be clear, a frozen bank card is not allowed to be cancelled, reissued, or used for any transactions or deposits and withdrawals!

So for those who want to avoid freezing by applying for a new card, I can tell you directly that it is useless!

The three units with the authority to freeze bank cards are: banks, public security, and courts.

Bank freezes are easy to resolve. Generally speaking, you can just show relevant proof of bank flow, but some tellers are afraid of trouble and pass the buck, so other methods are needed.

If the judicial freeze of the public security exceeds one month, it can basically be determined as a long-term freeze. If you do not contact the public security organs, it will not be automatically unfrozen until the case is investigated.

The court basically involves old defaulters, dishonest persons, financial punishment personnel, and those who have administrative and criminal penalties... Generally speaking, ordinary people have little contact with them.

In summary, to resolve the freezing of bank cards, you still have to choose the appropriate method according to your actual situation and protect your rights and interests to the greatest extent while ensuring your own safety.

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