
The bull market has not started yet? These indicators will shock you!

The fear and greed index is now 26. The last time it was like this, SOL was only $11. It is said that "sell when greedy and buy when fearful", but few people can do it!

Many people say that the bull market is over, but in fact, the bull market has not really started yet!

The following 5 indicators will surprise you:

1. Stable currency vane

This thing is used to test the new money entering the crypto circle. It is far worse now than before. Once the money flows more, the market will follow.

2. Small trading volume

Bitcoin is still hanging for more than 50,000 US dollars, but the trading volume is nothing compared to that in 2021. Retail investors haven't played much yet. Once they come, the market will definitely rise.

3. Is Bitcoin's position as the leader stable?

Looking at Bitcoin's share of the entire crypto market, it has been hovering between 54% and 57% in recent months. If it falls below this range one day, the spring of altcoins will come.

4. Is Coinbase downloads hot?

In the past, once Coinbase downloads topped the list, the market was hot and it was time to withdraw. Now it seems that it is far from that hot.

5. What is the most popular search on Google?

Check Google Trends, the search volume for words such as Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is almost three times less than in 2021. Looking at the past five years, people's enthusiasm is indeed not high now.

6. Is the purse of venture capital tight?

The money invested by venture capital is the barometer of the market. During the climax of 2021, venture capital also followed. Now, the investment amount has shrunk four times, and the market is still waiting for the wind to come.

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