
Decrypting Dogecoin: Is it worth our investors' time?

In the cryptocurrency circle, when it comes to meme coins, everyone has a lot of opinions. Some like them very much, and some don't like them. Some think it's a good opportunity to make money quickly, while others think it's pure speculation and has no actual value.

Take Dogecoin, this dog-themed meme coin has been around since 2013, and now its market value is over 10 billion. So is it worth investing in?

Dogecoin used to be the boss of meme coins. But since the emergence of Shiba Inu coin, it has stepped down. There are so many meme coins now, all kinds of them, even animal-themed ones. Even if you still like classics like Dogecoin, there are too many choices.

The good days of Dogecoin are over. Its price has never been above $1 in the past ten years. Although it was popular from 2020 to 2021, it has disappointed investors most of the time.

Look at this picture. The performance of Dogecoin in recent years is most obvious in May 2021, because Elon Musk was on a show, and the price soared. But in general, it is not a sure-win business now.


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For many new fans, most people do transactions blindly, following the hot coins and the increase list.

There is not even a psychological expectation of the callback point or the target point, just go with the flow and move forward anxiously, just like gambling on the size. I can only say that if you trade like this, you will lose a little every time, and the final result will become the fertilizer of the market and return to zero. 、

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