Dear PermaDAO Members:

In the midsummer with golden sunshine and lush vegetation, PermaDAO is full of vitality: the management guild discussed the optimization plan of "Daily Digest", the Arweave/AO Ecosystem Weekly Hot Spot Review#2event was carried out as scheduled, and there is also a high-quality research report waiting for your reading. Start your reading journey now!

Author: mingche

Reviewer: Ayam Goreng

Source: Content Guild - Planning

Workload at a glance

Last week, the number of active contributors to PermaDAO totaled 97, and the data on the amount of work completed by each guild is as follows:

  • The Product Promotion Association completed 9 promotions and issued 15.7 AR + 6794 BP;

  • Management Guild Completed 15 tasks and issued 39.05 AR;

  • The event guild held 1 event and distributed 6.47 AR;

  • The news group approved 11 articles and issued 34.7 AR;

  • The translation team translated 12 articles and issued 30.74 AR;

  • The planning team completed 5 tasks and issued 4.87 AR;

Ranking of incentives distributed and number of active contributors to each guild and group last week:

Guild/Group AR issued Top 1 Management Guild 39.05 Top 2 News Group 34.7 Top 3 Translation Group 30.74 Guild/Group Number of Contributors Top 1 Product Promotion Guild 50 Top 2 Translation Group 15 Top 3 News Group 12

Last week, PermaDAO distributed a total of 131.77 $ARs, totaling 2894.44 USD, and 6794 $BPs to those who worked hard to contribute.

Everyone has the potential to become a better self. PermaDAO will give you unlimited opportunities. As long as you work hard, you will meet that better self unexpectedly.

News Express

The PermaDAO Management Guild discussed the optimization plan of "Daily Digest"

For a long time, the translation quality of "Daily Essence" was uneven, and the translation link was too long and lost timeliness. In response to these problems, Builders discussed and proposed solutions: set up a "Daily Essence" business group and implement a dedicated person responsibility system to ensure the quality and timeliness of "Daily Essence". Soon, we will see better and more timely "Daily Essence".

Proposal link:

Review of last week's activities

Roundtable discussion: Arweave/AO ecosystem weekly hot spot review #2

The discussion invited guests Kyle and Orange from the investment research group. Kyle gave a detailed introduction to the latest news and project progress of the Arweave/AO ecosystem in the past week, while Orange shared a summary of opportunities in the AO ecosystem in the past week, such as Weave VM and Apus Network. In addition, friendly guests 0xmiddle and Eason also participated in the discussion and had an in-depth exchange on the entire AO ecosystem in the near future.

Weekly Article Sharing

《ARC + AO Implementation Framework Based on SCP, Building a Value Internet of "Financial-Economic Incentive Integration"》

BTC is the first programmable encrypted digital currency in human history, and it pioneered the decentralized financial system. Arweave's "Data Trilogy" and the combination of AR + AO will promote the early realization of the value Internet of "finance-economic incentive integration", thereby promoting the innovative development of the encrypted digital economy.

For more details, please see the original text:

Upcoming Events

Roundtable discussion - Arweave/AO ecosystem weekly hot spot review #3

At 9pm on July 9, PermaDAO will hold the third roundtable discussion to review and analyze the important news and project dynamics in the Arweave/AO ecosystem in the past week. Everyone is welcome to discuss and exchange ideas with the guests.

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Disclaimer: The content of this article is for reference only and does not constitute any investment advice.

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